Dan Reform [very unfinished]

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[[Dan doesnt exactly turn good until Jazz got her first born. She marries Dash after Uni. Starts her own mental health clinic. soon aftwer they get pregnant.

Danny gets a frantic call from Dash when hes with clockwork and Dan.

"It's happening! holy shit Fenton get your butt over here!"

"What? whats happening? Dash?"

"Jazz her water broke! were at the hospital right now, shes having the baby now!"

"What! But hre doctor said she wasnt due for another few weeks!"

"get over here!" tghe Phone disconnects and without another word to either clockwork or Dan, Danny is already flying off.

Clockwork smiles. "Right on time."


Danny arrives shortly before jazz has the baby. he spends his time pacing in the waiting room.

After she is done with labor

Both Dash and Danny decide to stay the night in the hospital.

When Dannys ghost sence goes off. he doesnt waste any time transforming into Phantom. "Oh they better have hell of a good reason to bother me now."

Dan steps through the wall and Danny is ten timres more on guard then before. Dash fully wakes up from his half asleep state. Jazz looks at the scene curiously.

"Dan. I swear if you try anything-"

Dan doesnt even look at anyone else, just walks straight up to the bed jazz is perched up in, holding her baby and falls to his knees.

dark blue eyes open and stare right into his soul. "Whats their name."



"Do you want to hold her?" jazz akss

"Jazz no." Both Danny and Dash protest.

"I- can't. These hands know only how to destroy. It won't be safe."

Jazz waves off hus concers like its nothing. "You're still my little brother. You wont hurt her. here." She passes her newborn baby off into Dans claws. Dash and Danny wearily watch.

"Hold her head up, just like this. there you go."

Dan looks at the baby in his hands for a long moment. he feels soft breathing and the beating of a little heart. She's so tiny and frail, dwarved by his hands.
"i...this is the future I tried to destory. the one i have destroyed." Silent tears stream down pale turquoise cheeks.

"Nothing will ever harm her. I swear, with all the power I have I will keep her safe."

For the first time since Dans family died, he feels whole again. as if his ghost obsession has mended back into place.

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