20. Falls 2.0 Wolfening [unfinished]

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Danny is contacted by Dipper and Mable to help during christmas break.

Sam and Tucker decide to tag along.

Sam already celebrated hannuka with her family so shes not missing much. Tucker feels slightly guilty skipping Christmas with his folks.


they (steal) borrow the spectral speeder to go through the ghiostzone

gravity falls has enough natural ghost portals that its not too dificult to find a way into the forsest surounding the small town.\

they ditch the spectral speeder covered in moss hidden behind trees.


Danny flies the trio up to the mystery shacks attic where Dipper and Mabel are waiting for them.

"Oh wow, hi Phantom. "

"heeeyyyy phantoni" mabel laughs [[and then tries to flirt with danny]]

dipper is straight to buisness. "Okay so the other day we spotted a ghost wolf running around in the streets. We tried talking to it-"

"But it sopke total giberish." Mable strats making random noises that she inmsists are words.

"It hasn't hurt anyone as far as we know." Dipper supplies.

"From the description it kinda sounds like like wulf" Sam

"Yea, maybe."danny agrees. "only one wy to find out for sure."


the ghost is wulf. he informs them Some werewolfs are haviong trouble.

"Wulf! mia amiko!" Danny flies towards his frirnd.

"Amiko! Vi estas ankau ci tie?" Wulf pulls Phantom into a hug.

"Jes, iuj amikoj vokis min. Kio okazas?"

"Lupo-pakajo havas problemojn. Casistoj."

Phantom turns to the group of humans. who mostly look totally confuesed and out of depth,. "Wulf says a werewolf pack that lives here is having trouble with hunters. He wants to help them."

"Werewolfs?!" Tucker exclaims super exited. hes loved werewolfs sinces he was a child. now he has a chance to avtusally meet siome? hell yesh~!


dipper has his journals open and all kinds of papers stewn about. mostly about werewolfs

"So, theres werewolfs. and hunters. um. werewolf hunters. wich is bad." he points to a map circled in red sharpy. "these are the most active zones. "

"tyhats like werewolf central. the middle of their teretory"

"ÿeah and apperantly the hunters put traps all over the place."


The team tracks the werewolfhunters through the forest, disabling traps as they find them. until they stumble upon a camp. theres a fire going, several tents set up and hunters sitting around on logs. cages at one end of the camp filled with about half a dozen injured werewolfs. One in the middle stands out. A snow white regal wolf, holding herself with pride and a steadfastnes of a leader even in the face of imminent danger. one of the hunters is taunting her with a silver knife.


"So whats the plan?" Tucker whispers.

"These guys have guns, we can't just barge in." Dipper comments.

"Weapons and hostages. This is bad. How're we gonna deal with them all?" Sam

"What we need is a distraction." Phantom "Wulf and I will circle around and lure as many away from the camp as we can. When its clear you guys free the captured werewolfs."

"I wanna go with you!" Mable wisper-yells. "I'm great at distracting, see-" she starts making faces and noiswes.

"Okay okay, I believe you! You can come with us. Everyone ready?"

They all nod and split up.


Danny wulf and mable.

pretend to be werewolfs circling the camp trying to free their friends. danny shapeshifts until he looks like a shadowy hairy figure. Mable does her best wolf howl.

the hunters jump ino action, gather their weapons and various traps. In their haste they leave only minimum security behind in camp.

The distract team runs further and further into the dark forest, leading the hunters away.

After a whuile the hunters decide to split up into teams to cover more ground.

Wulf and Phantom pick them off one by one. The straggles go first. ( kinda like in Predator)


The rescue team wastes no time jumping into action.

"hey you kids arn't supposed to be be-" Sam knocks out the few guards left. with karate chops.

Dipper searches around for the keys to cages.

Tucker goes straight for the white wolf. "Hi! i'm Tucker. Me and my team are here to help. Don't worry, I'll have you out of here in no time." he winks.

the white wolf hufs.

Tucker spots a crowbar lying around. he tries to break the metal door but the guys arms are noodles.

The wolf looks highly uninpressed.

The teck geek then rumages around the camp and within minutes comes back with a makeshift blowtorch made out of science that cuts through the metal bars like hot butter. having wasted the fuel in one go

"hey Sam help me bend these!" he and Sam work to bend the bars so the wolf can escape.

once the white wolf is freed they all go looking for ways to open the other cages. a couple of tense minutes later Dipper finally finds them and they make quick work of freeing the other werewolfs.


They help rescue the chiefs daughter.

as reward they can make a request.

Danny "all i want is open comunication. if you're having trouble with any ghosts I want to know about it."

"Absolutely. it is just as important for us to have good relationship with the ghost king.

Tucker. "I want to be a werewolf!"

"granted! who will bring this young man into our family by binding them with their blood?" The cheif asks

"i will." princess Luna awnsers.she3s the white wolf. shes been endeared by tuckers rescue of her.

the ritual starts. Tuckers top get ripped off and ceremonial runes painted on his skin.

Luna plunges her teeth deep into Tuckers shoulder.

Danny has to phisically hold himself back from interfearing. the chief notices.

"are you alright son."

"yeah. just. My ghost obsession is keeping my friends safe. Watching Tucker, my best friend get hurt its..." he takes a deep calming breath,

the chief nods in understanding.

"tis only temporary. your friend will be just fine."

"I wont interupt the ritual. he asked. this was his choice." the last parts were more whispered to ensure himself even as frost strats creeping on the floor..

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