8. Dan Discussion

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Phantom is flying his usual route over Amity.

"Tech-geek to Phantom. Do you copy?"

"What have you got for me TG?"

"There's an ongoing burglary in the museum. I've got witness reports saying they saw a ghost in a white cloak fly through the skylight."

"I'm on my way."


When Phantom flies into the museum he stumbles on pretty much the scene he had assumed. It's a pretty familiar sight to him by now. Plasmius is possesing multiple guards. One of them is being influenced to open up a locked display with ghost proof glass around it. He makes the guard hand the artifact to him the moment its out of its protective casing.

Danny Phantom shoots the caped ghost with a blast to get his attention.

"Are you serious right now. Are you actually back to scemeing Plasmius?"

The older halfa takes the time to examine the artifact in his hands, just to show how little of a threat he conciders Phantom still. "You are naiive, boy, if you believe I've ever stopped."

Phantom takes on a fighting stance. He musters as much authority in his voice as he can. "Let these people go."

"Or what? You're going to stop me? Come now Phantom, we both know how this will end. You've never been able to best me in a real battle, so why don't you scurry on back home and leave me to my buisness."

Phantom speeds towards Plasmius and makes a grab for the artifact. Plasmius dodges with an infuriating grin on his face that makes Danny so angry at the older halfa.

"I suppose that was too much to ask? Then again you could never resist a challenge. Yet another thing we have in common."

Danny silently seeths. Vlad is supposed to be better than this! he's good to Danny, why can't he be good now!

"We're calling petty burglaries chalenges now? I know you're old, but I didn't think you'd grown senile just yet."

Ghost powered kicks and ectoblasts fly towards eachother. They fight pretty sevearly. After months of sparring they know eachothers strenghts and weaknesses better than ever.

Maybe Danny is naiive to think that Vlad has changed for good. But that doesn't mean the elder halfa hasn't changed at all. It takes time for a person to change. And despite the current situation, Danny isn't ready to write Plasmius off as an irideemable villain like he'd done in the past. There is still hope for him, Danny has to believe that.

Pretty soon their fighting attracts ghost hunters and the building gets surrounded. the hunters waste no time to start taking shots at both of them. Uncaring what, or who they hit in the process.

"Hmph, it's become too crouded for my liking. ta ta!" Plasmius dissapears in a cloud of pink.

Phantom quickly follows, turning invisible and slipping away.


It's late at night, or very early moring depending on your prespective. Danny Phantom lies on his back on the Masters manors roof, looking at the stars.

"Ah there you are Daniel." Plasmius intagibly floats out of the roof.


"I'm rather surprised to see you back home so soon."

Danny shrugs and doesn't add anything more.

Its silent between the two halfas for a while, each lost in their own thoughts.

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