21.Werewolf Tucker [unfinished]

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Being a werewolf is a dream come true for Tucker Foley. The best thing is the feeling of freedom when he runs runs at full speed, feeling the wind through his fur. Seond best thing is all the meat he can eat. bonus points since Sam ha sno arguments to make him stop being a carnivor anymore. Tucker can just respond with animal cruelty, and you wouldnt try to make a real wolf vegetairian. Holwling at the moon is super. he is stronger, faster, his senses a re hightened pretty much all the time, but especilly the closer it is to the full moon.

he can, at least partially, transform into a wolf days before and after the lunar cycle. But has to transform on full moon nights. So in total he has about a week of kickass werewolf powers. He can actually get into fights with ghosts now. Finally he feels like more than just a sidekick batteling next to Phantom.

Tuvck is still learnign his powers. but just as he is, Danny is there for him every step of the way.

Tucker suspects Danny secretly feels relieved he isn't the only one with opwers in his friendgroup anymore. Now they just have to make Sam a vampire and the trinity is complete.


Some things do kinda suck though

The transformation is uncomfortable and very itchy with all those little hairs speed growing all over. his tail gettign squashed in his pants sucks and he doesnt yet have full control over it growing whenever he gets exited. he just wants to wag his tail about everything!

he defintitely be having a bad time if he doesn't ditch his sneakers quickly enough. Ripping through shoes is both expensive and painful.

The hunger is real as well. Tucker has to make sure theres enough meat in the fridge ready to eat, or he'll be snacking on the neighbours chickens.

The worst is paws=no acsess to his first love; his PDA. Even a computer is nigh imposible to navigate, but he'll be damned if he doesn't try regardless.

And ofcourse, he can't let his parents know any of this. He already couldn't tell them about his ghost hunting adventures with his best friend. but now he realy feels what Dannys feeling.


[[Phantom and tucker often play together on full moon nights through the streets of amity.

Tucker crouches low to the ground. draped in shadows. puitting one paw in front of the other hes careful not to disturb the gravel and make noise as he sneaks loser to his unsuspecting prey. Only a few more meters. he fights the urge to drool or wag his tail in exitement. his preys back is still turned, looking around elsewhere. two more meters. the gravel crunches as he kicks off with a growl and pounces.

"Gah!" Phantom lays sprawled face down over the gravel path. A panting, full body wagging happily, heavy werewolf on top of him.]]

[[Wolf tuck has an encounter with the dog catcher]]

[[the G.I.W shows interest in the new supernatural being running around town]]


[[citicens reaction to the werewolf and relation to their town hero. its mixed as usual. But the phan base is mostly behind them. news says Dogman and rogarou but not werewolf.

"today on channel nine news." the peppy newsreporter on the tv reads her script.

"A new creature has been spotted on several ocations. mostly in close proximity to our self proclaimed town hero, Phantom.

This new creature has only been spotted at night. And, according to some wittness statements, only when there is a full moon. Experts believe this thing, whatever it is, is not a ghost."

The feed cuts to the fentons

"Its not behaving like any specter we've encountered. No ecto signature detected. If it is a ghost, its an anomaly even more anomoalous than the ghost kid. Perhaps that is why the two of them have been spotted together." (fentons opinion)

Cuts back to the blonde reproter

"The creature has been described as bestial. large, standing at aproximately six point five feet, covered in gray and black fur. Some witnesses even described it as a large dog, noting canine features. We asked several recidents of their opinion. heres what they had to say;"

"I don't care if its ghosts, dog men or flipping leprecauns. I ain't trusting nothing supernatural."

"Phantom thinks their cool, so their cool. Not the first hairy beast he's hung out with thta helped save the day."

"First i'd like to say, Date me ghost boy! Second. I don't care who he hangs out with as long as theyre not losers."

"I don't know. might be a rogarou. maybe even a skinwalker. they usually keep to the forest though. not a good sign if they start hanging around town."

"Ghosts are nothing but trouble, and so is whoever or whatever accociates with them!"

curs back to reporter.

"As you can see, local opinions are devided. if you have any more information about this mysterious being call channel nine news. at-"

Tucker jumps up "Look at hat! I made the news!"



[[Night out with the pack. Wulf Cujo and Werewolf Tuck make some trouble.]]

[[its nearing full moon on spring vacation.


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