16. dad

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Danny and Vlad are having a quiet breakfast. Danny more picking at his food. A habit he has yet to break completely, especially when he's feeling stressed. This time because hes deep in thought, trying to figure out what to do next. Probably talk to his dad, both of them if he's being honest with himself.

He decides its best to start right away and shatters the quiet.

"Mom and dad have been asking when I'm coming home."

Vlad chockes on his coffee. Coughing, he nearly breaks the mug with how hard he clences it in his fist. Desperately he scrambles to say something. He needs his son to stay!


"I don't know what to tell them. I don't think they're gonna be buying the whole schoolwork excuse for much longer. Maybe...Maybe I should tell them the truth? If I tell them the'd understand why I'm here..But I just" Danny groans in frustration.
"I'm scared they're gonna disown me, or dissect me. Wichever comes first."

"You're not leaving?" Vlad kind of hates he sounds as desperate as he feels.

Danny shakes his head and Vlad lets ouit an exagerated sigh of relief. He might still need some work sorting out his priorities.

"Maybe I can just tell dad? if I can get him to listen to me, if dads on my side, he can talk mom out of, I dunno, trying to exorsise me."

"I suppose. There is no way you concider disowning that piece of- your father?"

"Not a chance."

Vlad rubs his temples. "Then I will be mediating between you and your family."

"Thank you patro. Sorry for putting you in the middle of all this drama. Again."

The elder halfa waves the apology off. "I knew the trouble I signed up for mia filo."

"Hey who you calling trouble? Glass houses fruitloop." Danny grins at Vlads red tinted glare.


Jack is ghosthunting on his own today. Well actually he's not supposed to be ghost hunting right now. He's supposed to bring home some groceries Maddie asked him to buy. But when he sees the ghost boy flying around he just gets so exited he can't help himself.

Jack Fenton grabs his trusty Fenton Bazooka. He aims it, and fires. The shot missing by a mile. Dang that slippery ghost, that was probably his best opportunity. Now he has the ghosts attention, it will fly away from him and he'll have to chase it down.

"I will get you ghost boy!" He shakes his fist.

"Da-Jack. " Phantom flies onto a roof he knows has access to a ladder.

It takes the older Fenton longer than he cares to admit to climb up. He's getting old. Fully expecting the ghost to be long gone, he's actually surprised to see it sitting on the ledge, halfway turned towards him but looking over the town.

"Now I've got you!" Once again Jack readies his weapon of choice.

"Acutally before you shoot me, can we talk?"

Jack feels momentarily stunned. A ghost, wanting to have a chat? Unheard of. Still, this is the ghost boy, an outlire of ghostly behavior if he's ever seen one. He's also incredibly curious, he's not gonna lie.

"Talk? What does a ghost want to talk about?"

Best to be blunt. "Danny. Your son."

"What about my son? if you have done something to him I'll rip you apart molucule by molucule!"

Phantom holds up his hands. "No no no, he's fine!" Perhaps that was a bit too blunt. Oh well, no turning back now. "It's just, I'm sure you noticed he's keeping some things secret from you guys, and I feel thats partially my fault. I'd appreciate it if you'd hear me out."

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