Chapter 2: Ema

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"Mai-chan!" comes Ema's concerned voice. 

She sounds even more distressed than I'm feeling right now. 

"Are you alright? Did you get wet? Where are you right now? I can come and meet you!"

"Slow down, I'm fine," I assure her. I tuck my phone between my cheek and shoulder. "I'm outside the konbini across the road from my place. The trucks haven't left yet."

"I'm so glad you're okay...I can't believe something like this happened."

"I know, right? I guess it's karma for not getting a better place."

"Are you going to be okay for tonight?"

"... I'll figure something out."

"Mai-chan, you always say that, but this time..."

She sighs.

"You're still a student, and you're living away from your parents' house. I don't think they'd like the idea of you staying in an Internet cafe."

How does she know that's my Plan B?

"It'll be fine. I've always wanted to stay up late watching anime on a bigger screen."


She sighs again.

"Ema," I say, softening my tone. "Look, I'll really be fine, honest. If it makes you feel any better I can try and get a capsule hotel* instead, that way I can lock the room."

"Ehh? Are you sure? I thought you hated tight spaces."

I do, but what choice do I have? My budget isn't exactly flexible. 

I stare down at my tub of ice cream. I've finished half of it.


"Mai-chan, why don't you stay at my house? We have spare rooms here, and at least you won't have to worry about rent."

Wah? That came out of nowhere. 

"Ano... Thank you so much for offering, but I don't want to impose," I say. "Besides, don't you have a ton of siblings?"

Ema chuckles. "I do, but we've still got lots of room. Not all of them live at home right now, so you can probably stay in one of their rooms. I'll ask Masaomi-san."

The line goes silent for a few minutes. 

I don't have the nerve to hang up. As much as I don't want to impose on Ema's kindness my frugal side knows it'll be a much better alternative than sleeping in a tube.

"Mai-chan, I've just spoken with Masaomi-san and he says it's okay. We'll come by and pick you up, so don't go anywhere."

That was quick.

"Really, Ema, it's alright, you don't have to worry about me so much."

"Mai-chan, you're my friend," Ema says adamantly. "I know you'd do the same for me, so please let me help you this time."

Well, I can't really refuse her when she pleads like this. Rubbing the bridge of my nose, I reluctantly accept. 

"Fine, if you're absolutely sure your family won't mind. But just until I find a place to stay."

"Great! I'll see you in a little bit!" 


I hang up.

I lean back against the wall of the store. 

Well, that was unexpected. To think she'd go so far as to let me stay at her house...

Nyanko da! (ft Natsume): A Brothers Conflict FanficOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora