what couldve been|14|

Start from the beginning

He picked her up and carried her to the couch.
She couldn't read him to know if he was mad or just shocked, and he wasn't sure either, so she didn't curl up on him like she normally does.
She laid on the big couch that has been arranged for the perfect recovery bed, she looked over at him before wrapping herself in a blanket not disturbing Devin.

"Avery I'm not mad, you can lay with me"

Without saying a word Avery wrapped her arms around his torso and snuggled her head on his shoulder while he bandaged his arms around her also.

They laid there for almost an hour before Devin looked down at her to see she couldn't sleep either.
He tried brushing through her hair with his hand to get her to go to sleep but it didn't work.

He kissed her on the forehead, he did it once and she never said anything and he hasn't stopped since.
"Why can't you sleep?" He whispered.

"Probably the same reason you can't..."

Devin sat up with Avery sitting in his lap still.
"Then let's talk now but then you need to get to sleep you have a lot of doctors to see tomorrow"

"What happened when I left Avery?"

She started playing with her nails ignoring Devin's question.
To her it was embarrassing, it's the last thing she wanted to think about and he was the last person she wanted to go over it with.

Avery sighed sadly putting her head on Devin's shoulder.

"The day I left... what happened Avery?"

"I tried to call you... and when you didn't answer I pretty much figured out what happened."

It was unclear who didn't want to hear this more.

"So I took a shower and cried..."

He played with her hair out of instinct, Almost like a nervous tic.

"And then I just laid in bed for a few days"
Devin felt her tear his shoulder.

"Then I started getting sick but I just assumed it's because I wasn't getting out of bed.
But it had been weeks and all I was doing was throwing up and I couldn't move so I went to the doctor and they did a blood draw and I was pregnant..."

Devin nodded numbly.

"What happened to our child A?"

There was a long moment of silence before
Avery shrugged while tears filled her eyes.

"I had a miscarriage"

Every time Devin would think about Avery in the past 4 years he always got this pain in his chest but once he got her back he thought that pain would stop, but hearing not only they had a child but their child died only made that pain more intense.

"Did you tell anybody?"

"I made it to 24 weeks... I finally went home to tell my parents... they kicked me out...
Went to Zoe's, she screamed at me and told me I was so stupid..." she said playing with her hands again "I called Tyler to see where you were..."

Devin looked at her.
Hearing what she went through broke his heart and he felt guilty at the happiness he felt knowing she looked for him.

"He told me you were in bed with some girl you met at your game..."

Yep... that pain has only gotten worse.

More tears came out and She let out a painful laugh, like it physically hurt her to get out.

"He said if it helped I was prettier... it didn't"

Devin sat there speechless, the remorse and humiliation were more than he could handle.

"I didn't want that baby.
I hated the thought of being pregnant, especially by a guy who just up and left me.
And I knew what people were gonna say if they found out I got pregnant right after you went to the NBA"

Devin let his tears slip out.

"But I didn't want it to go like that..."

Words weren't said but the sound of sniffled were heard throughout the room.

"Did you find out if it was a Boy or girl?"

Avery sighed "baby boy"
"He was only a few weeks old but Devin I swear he looked just like you"

"Baby I'm so sorry"
Devin laid a hand on her leg not sure how close she wanted him to be.

"They said it was too much stress... and that harmed the baby"

All his previous thoughts about respecting her space went out the window, he quickly wrapped her whole body in a hug while they both cried.

What he would've given to change time...

Avery was on his lap, her head on his shoulder.
They sat there crying together, sometimes there just aren't things to say.
Especially when you've lost a child.

Devin noticed her eyelids getting heavier so he fell back with her still in his arms.
He grazed his hand up and down her back, she looked up at him, they were both hurting, both grieving.
But that still didn't mean he didn't see anything but love when she looked up at him with her eyelashes matted together from her tears.

He couldn't help it, he leaned down to kiss her,
And he always acknowledged that she never pulled away.
Her hand found his hair pulling him in for more, breathlessly begging for more.
Devin let out a moan when she bit his lip.

After a few minutes what was once an intense makeup session turned into sloppy sleepy Kisses.
Devin kissed her lips and all over her face gently until Avery fell asleep, after she fell asleep he kissed the top of her head and followed her into a deep sleep.

Very proud of myself for how quick I'm getting chapters out lol

I also feel like I keep using the same few words over and over again but whatever lol
At least I'm getting chapters out!😂

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