Barbatos x Dead/Human!Reader

Start from the beginning

" O-Oh. I'm sorry. Please forgive me." I said with a little bow. " That isn't like you to over do yourself. Especially with your powers. What happened?" The young master asked. " It was nothing. I guess I was just tired and overdid it." I said. " Oe other thing, I found this. You were holding onto it tightly." He said. He held up the feather.

The anger of someone else touching the feather overcame me. I took it out of the young master's hand. " Don't you ever touch this again!" I screamed. The young master backed away in fear. I realized what I did and apologized. " I'm sorry. This feather just belonged to someone who was important to me." I said.

" It's okay. But did you use your powers to go and see this person?" The young master asked. I nodded. " This person must've been really important to you. What happened to them?" The young master asked. " It's better if I show you." I said. " You aren't supposed to be using your powers." The young master said. " I know. But you need to see this." I said. I walked over to my closet with the young master and opened the door. We were transported to the year 1994. The day of the next festival.

Past Barbatos' POV

I walked up to the roof to find Y/N. He/She was sitting on the edge of the balcony. The fireworks already started. For some reason they weren't in their yutaka/kimono. " Hi Y/N. Sorry I'm late" I said. " It's fine." He/She said. " Why aren't you in your yutaka/kimono?" I asked. " No one really wears them anymore. They sort of lost their style." Y/N said.

I looked down. " You might want to come back to this side of the balcony. I don't want you to fall." I said. " I'm fine." Y/N said. I could tell something was wrong. I looked at Y/N. His/Her arms were covered in cuts and bruises. There was a bandage on his/her face. " You're cut up." I said.
" I had a nasty fall off my bike today. I'm fine." Y/N said. He/She wiped some tears away from their eyes.

I decided to change the conversation topic. " You're going to be graduating high school soon right? Where do you think you're going to go afterwards?" I asked. Y/N stayed silent. " Hey Barbatos, I want to show you something." Y/N said. He/She reached into her coat pocket and pulled out a beautiful white feather.

" It's an angel feather." Y/N said. I stared at him/her in disbelief. " What?" I asked. " An angel feather. I found it when I was little. It fell out of the sky and landed right in front of me. It's my most treasured possession. I bet you don't believe me. But I think it's the real thing." Y/N said, holding the feather up to the sky. It was indeed an angel feather but we aren't allowed to reveal the existence of angels or demons to humans.

" You know, I've always wondered what was up there. If you travel far enough through space, will you reach heaven? I've always wanted to know." Y/N said. He/She was now standing on the balcony. I went to hold on to them so they wouldn't fall but Y/N slapped my hand away. He/She was now sitting on the other side of the balcony.

" I want you to do me a favor Barbatos." Y/N said. " What do you want me to do?" I asked. Y/N grabbed my hand and placed the feather in it. " I want you to keep this for me." Y/N said. " Isn't this your most treasured possession?" I asked. " Yeah. But I feel it'll be better in your hands. And about your question earlier. The one about where I'm going after high school? The truth is I made up my mind not to go anywhere ever again." Y/N said.

Present Day Barbatos

We were sent back to my room. " I don't get it." The young master said. " Neither did I. I used my powers to check on Y/N's future. In the future, Y/N was the first ever human to make connections with the Celestial Realm and the Devildom. He/She was the first ever human to be the ambassador that traveled between all three worlds." I said.

" That's amazing. But there has never been a human ambassador here. I'm sure father would've told me about one." The young master said. " That's because Y/N never became the human ambassador." I said. " How? I thought the future was absolute." The young master said. " There are many ways to change the future but no one has ever done it before. Y/N was the first." I said.
" How did he/she change the future?" The young master asked.

I sat down on my bed and began crying. " Five days after we talked, Y/N committed suicide." I said. The young master's eyes widened. " There was no note, no motive, no reason for him/her to do it. Y/N wasn't...supposed to die like that. He/She wasn't supposed to die at the age of eighteen. He/She cut his/her future short and didn't go anywhere, just like he/she said. This feather was the last thing Y/N gave to me before he/she died. But I have no idea why! I couldn't go back and check what happened to make Y/N do this. If I did, I wouldn't be able to live with myself. If I changed the past, the future wouldn't be what it is today. I wanted to go back! I wanted to change the future so many times! But I just couldn't! If Y/N would've just told me what was happening, I would've been able to stop it. I would've helped him/her. So why didn't he/she?!" I said. I was crying uncontrollably.

I then felt a pair of arms around me. The young master was hugging me. " Y-Young master?" I asked. " You looked like you needed this." He said. I wrapped my arms around him and cried into his shoulder. " Y/N. Y/N." I repeatedly said.

Time skip...

" Three, two, one!" The crowd counted. A firework exploded in the night sky. I was up on the roof of the roof of the high school watching the fireworks. It's the first time I've been back here since Y/N died. The brother''s, young master, and I decided to do school vacation in the human world so we could see M/C again.

Luke and Simeon are also here too. They run a cafe that is a pleasure to go to. As I looked out over the balcony, I thought back to Y/N. The last time I saw him/her was on this very night about 28 years ago. Five days later, they died. I looked down. " Y/N." I said. I was about to go up onto the balcony when I heard someone behind me.

" Barbatos? What are you doing?" I heard them say. I turned to see M/C. " I was just trying to get a better view of the fireworks. Standing on the balcony seemed like the best way." I said. M/C walked up to me. " You have to know that was the dumbest idea ever. Even though you're a demon, you could still die from falling." M/C said. " I know." I said.

Another firework exploded. " It's so beautiful. I always come up here to watch the fireworks. It's the best spot to view them." M/C said. " It is." I said. We continued watching the fireworks. " You know, I've been thinking about the future. Even though I'm training to become a sorcerer, I want to do something else. I think I'm gonna try being an ambassador to all three worlds. You know, someone who makes connections between the three worlds?" M/C said.

I looked at M/C. He/She was standing on the balcony. I grabbed their arm. " Don't do it!" I said. M/C's eyes widened in shock. I pulled them off of the balcony and embraced them. " Don't throw it all away. I believe that you can become whatever you want to be in the future. Just don't throw your life away. I'll always be here if you need someone to talk to. Just don't ever give up M/C!" I said.

M/C embraced me. " I'm not sure what you thought I was going to do, but I won't. I promise to continue living and one day I'll fulfill my dreams." M/C said. I felt tears going down my face. I buried my face in M/C's shoulder. " I promise. I won't let you slip through my fingers again. I can't lose another person I love. I promise I'll always protect you. And I'm sorry I couldn't help you Y/N." I thought while looking up to the sky. Another firework exploded.

Suddenly, it felt as if a weight was lifted off my chest. " Alright. Let's head back down." I said to M/C. I started walking away. " Are you sure you're okay?" M/C asked. I smiled and extended my hand to M/C. " For the first time in a while, I actually am fine." I said. M/C smiled and took my hand. We walked back together and I wasn't going to let M/C go.

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