"Mr. Jeon?"

Jungkook held a steaming cup in his hands, his expression soft. "I made Chamomile Tea. It helps you relax."

"Oh. Is that for me? That's awfully sweet of you." Heiran stretched her lips into a smile, accepting the drink. Jungkook stayed waiting as she took a sip of it. Heiran pursed her lips, "Thanks for letting me stay here. You're like a lifesaver."

He remained silent, his eyes boring into her. Heiran raised a hand and shook her head, "No, don't give me that look, Mr. Jeon. I know what you're thinking but I'm completely fine!"

He didn't look convinced. She groaned, "Come on now. I'm Ahn Heiran. Do you think stuff like that affects me? Hell no!"

Jungkook breathed out a sigh, subtly shaking his head. He gestured to the outfit she had been wearing since 3 O'clock in the morning. "You were in that the whole day, I'll get you something to wear."

"No, no! You don't have to do that. I've already imposed enough on you." Heiran cried, her expression faltering but Jungkook gave her a look of incredulity.

"Don't be ridiculous."

And so, ten minutes later, Heiran was pulling down a huge sweatshirt with the number 96 printed on it, over her head which was apparently the smallest bit of clothing he had, sighing to herself. Jungkook was too kind. She wondered if she deserved the kindness but suddenly shook her head. No, no, Heiran. Remember that was not your fault. Snap out of it.

Pulling open the door, she exclaimed brightly at Jungkook who sat waiting. "Hey, I like this one. It fits me perfectly well."

He ran his wary eyes over the cloth that kept sliding off one side of her shoulder that she kept pulling back up and the hoodie paws it gave her from the long sleeves. She cleared her throat, "Okay, maybe not perfect, but hey, it works! I like it. Can I keep it?"


Heiran didn't necessarily mean for him to take that seriously. "Wait, really?"

"Mm. I don't mind." His gaze drifted down. A frown formed on his lips at the loose ends of her pants sagging behind her feet, "Apparently, those sweatpants are not perfect either. Here let me."

Before Heiran realized what he was trying to do, he crouched down to the floor near her feet and began folding the loose ends of the pants up so that they wouldn't trail behind and make her trip over. All she could do was stare back in stunned disbelief. Deciding that the awkwardness was too much for her, like every sensible person would do, she spewed out a casual comment (miserably failing to be casual at it).

"W-wow, Silent Wolf-ssi, aren't you quite the gentleman?"

Jungkook looked up and gave her an accusatory look, an eyebrow raised and not pleased.

"It's a compliment. I— I really mean it."

But his look didn't change and she knew why that was. Her hopes had gone in vain. Jungkook was just like Yoongi. She breathed out a deep exhale. "Okay, I'll stop..."

He raised from the ground, his expression softening at her admittance of defeat. Yoongi always said she got it from her mother, this character flaw that wouldn't let her show her weakness to others. Because Heiran was always like that, preferring to appear a huntress than a prey, downplaying her hurt rather than be looked down on for showing it. It took her a great deal of trust and effort to show her real self, not the perfectly unfazed and formidable Heiran but the Heiran that felt vulnerable.

"It's just... I never really thought it would happen to me, never really anticipated that they'd do something horrible like that. It feels like all this time, I've been living in an illusion. Like reality is only sinking in. That Y is someone so truly horrid and dangerous. I never really felt this when I was looking at the crime scenes before..." she fumbled with the tip of her large sweatshirt as Jungkook patiently listened, "It was one thing to see it happen outside but it was another to see it invade my house. I guess I feel pretty violated now. And I feel horrible because I was only thinking about myself. I didn't even try to figure out anything about the dead victim and lost my composure..."

"It's alright. I get it." Jungkook replied as if she didn't have to explain anything more to justify herself and that he understood her. Giving a fond pat on her arm, he offered a reassuring smile. "I know how it feels. And I know it takes time to overcome the shock. So take your time and..." He took a deep breath and beamed, "thanks for opening up to me."

Heiran returned a smile of her own, pulling up the sweatshirt that kept sliding down her shoulder. When the cloth slid off again, she groaned, "Urgh, do you have some clothes pins I can borrow?"

Jungkook chuckled to himself, "Follow me."

As Heiran followed him into his bedroom past the guest room Jungkook had offered to her, her eyes strayed up to the abstract painting of a woman in his living room again. "Who's that?" she wondered out loud.

Jungkook glanced at the painting and answered, "My mom."

"She looks really beautiful." She offered, seeing the painting again in a new light, almost reverently.

"She was."

"Oh... I'm sorry." Heiran muttered awkwardly and he shook his head.

"Don't be. It was a long time ago. I'm over it now."

Heiran couldn't tell if he was thinking the truth. Pushing the thought aside, she thought back to the scene she had witnessed back home. Now that she had opened up about her shock and felt a little better, her brain was beginning to be capable of rational thinking again. A curious notion occurred to her at the memory as Jungkook rummaged through his drawers.

"Jungkook, by the way, don't you think it's strange?"

Jungkook paused his rummaging for a brief moment before he resumed, responding shortly with a pleased lilt to his tone. "What?"

"That there was only one body in my apartment. I thought Y murdered them in pairs..."

He found the clothespins and closed the drawer shut. Only Heiran noted the shift in his stance as he handed her the pins. "Heiran, I didn't tell you something."

She tilted her head curiously. "What?"

"That body... he had a scar on his forehead. I recognized him." Jungkook explained but the bells still didn't ring in her head. He finally took a deep breath and added.

"He was the person who attacked me on that day."

A/n: Y'all fell again for my troll again, didn't you? Don't lie

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A/n: Y'all fell again for my troll again, didn't you? Don't lie. Ik u did. ;)
And somebody's warming up to JK, aren't they?

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