I Spy a Criminal Undercover

Start from the beginning

As the intro started, Anna felt proud at how handsome her soulmates looked in their all-back suits. She inwardly cheered when Jungkook caught the card Taehyung at thrown at him, knowing that they had been practising that move all week. As six of them made their way up onto the main stage, Anna's heart skipped a beat when she saw Hoseok trip on the stairs.

Their performance continued flawlessly. When they did the jacket trick, Anna held her breath and then sighed in relief when it worked perfectly. They had always had trouble with that part in rehearsals, so she was glad it went smoothly for the performance. It also looked really cool. The whole dance break was one of the most amazing performances she had ever seen.

When Jin joined them for the outro and all seven of them were singing and dancing together with the audience on their feet around the stage, Anna felt so happy for them. She screamed and clapped as the song ended and the boys bowed politely.

As they wanted for their category to be announced, Anna wished she was sitting next to her soulmates so that she could hold their hands. When it was finally time, she couldn't sit still due to nerves. A hand coming to rest on her arm stopped her from fidgeting. Anna turned to Bang PD who was smiling reassuringly at her.

Anna could hear her heart pounding in her chest as they announced the winner and she felt it sink as it wasn't her soulmates who won. It wasn't unexpected, but after watching their performance she just couldn't imagine them not winning. The award was for best pop group performance and after the show that BTS had put on tonight, she couldn't understand how anyone else could be more deserving of the title.

The speech the winner gave didn't even register as Anna stared down at where her soulmates were sitting. A stray tear ran down her cheek as she thought about how they must be feeling right now. Although they all put on brave faces, she knew that they had to be upset and she wanted nothing more than to comfort them.

When she finally met back up with them after the show, Jungkook was the first to fall into her arms. Anna squeezed him tight as her youngest soulmate murmured into her ear.

"Why didn't we win, Noona? Will we ever be good enough?"

It was only through sheer will and the want to be strong for her soulmates that stopped Anna from descending into a sobbing mess at those words. What was worse was that she didn't know what to say to comfort him. They should have won. They deserved to win. They were good enough, more than good, they were the best. However, those words rang empty when they had just lost another award. So, instead, all she could do was hold him tight.

"Your performance was amazing. Seriously, and the dance break, just, wow. Well done, you all worked so hard."

When Jungkook pulled away from her, Taehyung wrapped his arm around Anna's shoulders.

"Thanks, Babe."

She narrowed her eyes at the soulmate standing next to her.

"You, Mr Taehyung, you conveniently forgot to tell me about your skit with Olivia Rodrigo."

"Ooh, Tae's in trouble!"

"It was just acting!"

His arm fell away and she stepped away from him.

"You looked rather close to me."

Taehyung stared at Anna in shock as she refused to look at him.

"Anna? You're not really jealous, are you?"

"Of you whispering in another girl's ear? Of course not."

"I don't even know what I said, I was so nervous! Come on, you know that there's only one girl for me."

He spun her around only to find that Anna was laughing. The whole interaction had managed to cheer up the boys.

"I'm not really mad, Tae, but you do know that the clip of your interaction is already trending, right?"

"Whatever we did would be trending. We're BTS."

"And here I thought you would need comforting, but no, never mind, your egos are big enough as it is."

"But - I -"

"No, they aren't!"

"Mine isn't! I need comforting!"

"Jin-Hyung, you literally have the biggest ego in the world. You call yourself Worldwide Handsome."

"Yah! What does that have to do with anything?"

"Okay, okay. Let's go back to the hotel before you start causing a scene."

"Joonie, tell the little ones I don't have a big ego."

"Jin-Hyung is the most humble and modest one in the group. Okay? Let's go."

On the ride back, Anna sat next to Jin.

"Anna? Was it noticeable?"

"Huh? What?"

"My cast, was it very noticeable? It feels like a giant eyesore to me."

"Nothing could detract from your handsome face. If I didn't know it was there, I probably wouldn't have noticed it. Between the black glove and you hiding it most of the time, don't think any more about it, okay?"

"Okay. You know, it was quite nice to sit there and watch the others dance. I could get used to it."

"Perhaps, but after a while, I think you'd miss dancing with them."

"Hmm, I think you're right."

When they reached the hotel, they got set up to do a V Live for ARMY. Due to the poor internet connection, they ended up having to record a video to upload. They kept their conversation positive. As they were saying goodbye, they waved Anna over to join them on camera and she sat next to Yoongi.

"There's one last person we would like to thank for their love and support, our soulmate Anna. Thank you, Jagi, and we love you."

"I love you too."

"Bye ARMY!"

The other boys talked noisily amongst themselves as the staff cleared up and left them to celebrate alone. Anna noticed that Yoongi was especially quiet. Once the last of the staff had left the room, the rapper rested his head on her shoulder. She ran her fingers through his hair and pressed a kiss to his head as she waited for him to open up.

"I let myself hope."

Yoongi was whispering so quietly that if he hadn't been so close to Anna, she wouldn't have heard him. Her heart clenched as he spoke.

"After everything that happened this year, I let myself think that there was a real chance, even if it was just a small one, that we could win this year. I set myself up for disappointment. How stupid of me."

"It's not stupid. Everyone, your fans, friends, and even your fellow artists believed that you should win. That you deserved to win. You've come so far over the years, and you said it yourself, that the Grammys is the last thing you have to conquer. This fight is just going to be harder and longer than the rest."

"I'm getting tired of fighting."

"Then lean on me, and don't forget, you've got a whole ARMY behind you."

"I could never forget ARMY. Thank you. For now, I just want to forget about all this nonsense."

"I wonder what we could do to distract you..."

Yoongi smirked at her suggestive tone.

"Oh, I'm sure we can think of something."

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