75. Sid/Abhi birthday and cake war.

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Ri: See I am getting bored and Can't wait for tomorrow evening. What should we do?
Jai: let's play something
Sid: we yesterday only played Truth and dare.
Avu: yes but we can also play different games like I have an idea. One of us will say something and we have to say about that. I hope you understand.

(all shook their head.) 

(this same question goes to all)

Avu: Umm.. like, if I will say favourite drink so all will tell their favourite drinks, Like Mine is mango and you also tell.
Sid: Mine is custard apple(sitafal)
VAI: Pineapple.
Abhi: mango, same.
Jai: I like.. APPLE
Reem: Orange
Ri: Black current
Anu: Papaya
Fai: Guava
Jan: Sugarcane
Ashi: coconut 🥥
Ran: Cranberry

they played for sometime and then Sm1 called Sid.

Sid: hello.
Sm1: sir you have to come office fast because mr. Mehta appoint a sudden meeting
Sid: what? that bloody Mehta. He has to keep it this time only but He is a very important dealer okay we are coming.
Sm1: okay

call ended.

Abhi: what happened Ashu?
Sid: that our important dealer, Mr. Mehta has appoint a sudden meeting with us so we have to leave.
Abhi: okay so we are going, you all can continue.
Avu: okay so Should I come?
Sid: umm.. no need we can handle.
Ashi: okay so bye
Sid: okay, so we will come till Evening, bye.

 they both left.

Ran: now what should we do?
 Vaishnavi: wait let me go to Aryan and Arya.
Avu: I will also come with you Vaishu di.
Vaishnavi: okay . 

they both went in her room and saw both of them sleeping cutely

they both went in her room and saw both of them sleeping cutely

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Avu: aww just bro-sis. how cutely they are sleeping.. I wish I also have a brother or sister
 Vaishu: I am there for you .
Avu: hmm.. 
Vaishu: what is the date today?
Avu: I don't know why?
Vaishu: I am feeling like something is there today And I also want to count that, how many days they are of?
Avu: okay, lemme check my phone.

she opened and said: today is 13 September.
Vaishu: okay.. what?
Avu: yes but why you seems shocked?
Vaishu: oh shit! let's go down fast

(Sorry but I wasn't getting any idea so I have to.🙇🏻‍♀️🙏🏻🙏🏻)

Vaishu rushed and Avu also went behind her.

Vaishu: guys, today is 13 September.
Anu: what?
Ri: shit.. shit how we forget.
Faisal: we don't even remember it we have to do something.
Jann: but what?.. ya we have to start preparations fast. 

They all started to get hurried and tensed when frustrate Avu shouted: CALM DOWN! TELL ME WHAT IS TODAY.. 

AVU: what? 
Ashi: yes and no one remembered it not even they.
Avu: oh! so we have to do preparations.
Jai: first let's decide a theme.
Reem: green
Ari: nice idea let's start the preparation 

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