67. Avu is fine now

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Sm1: um.. you here?
Sid: shut up and let me come inside.
Sm1: is this the way to talk to you mother-in-law?
Sid entered in the house
(Yes so he came to her step mother and step fathers house)

Sid: just tell me what is your blood group?
Am: why?
Sid: just tell me I don't want to know anything I just want to know what is your blood group?
Am: first tell me the reason.

Am was totally scared because of his anger. 

Am: what my daughter? is she fine now? how this happened?(she said with all fake concern)
Sid: just stop this melodrama I know that what you did with her and her past so better not to behave good in front of me.

Am: umm.. what are you saying I can't understand anything, which past you are talking about?(drama)
Sid: I said She has told me her past, how you tortured her, you used her for money. so better not to do this and tell me what is your blood group

Am was shocked But she don't want her to save so she said

Am: if you know her past then Why you came here? do you think that you will come here and will got to know about whether my blood group is O positive or not.
Sid: I have my own ways, better you come to hospital.
Am: I am not going anywhere, I even don't care if she die. why are YOU caring for her, you hate her. if she even die why you care. humph .
Sid: shut up, I care for her, I will not let her die in any cost. I know I don't love her, but I know humanity, which you don't even have 1%.
Am: whatever you can go now because you will not get anything here.

she was about to go but Sid held her hand and 
Sid: I will not let you go I know your blood group will be O positive, so better come with me

Am was about to say but Sid dragged her to the car and made her sit forcefully

Am: what leave me.
Sid didn't said anything and went to driving seat she was about to open the car door but stopped when Sid said

Sid: don't you dare to go otherwise I will complain to police that you torture a girl and all about your things which you do to her.

Am sit there only . after that they reached the hospital.

Sid dragged her in the hospital all there were sitting tensed. 

Abhi saw  him.

Abhi: Sid where you went and why you brought her here.
Sid: may be her blood group is O+ so I brought her here. where is doctor?
doctor also came
Doc: we need her blood group urgently otherwise we wouldn't be able to save her.
Sid: SHUT UP , nothing will happen to her check her blood group

Doctor: come with me

Am unwantedly went with him. he checked her blood group luckily her blood group was O+ 
Doc: her blood group is O+ we have took her blood thank god you brought her blood group at time.
Sid: plz check her and save her at any cost. plz

doctor nodded and went into the operation theater.

After  1hr of operation they came out

Sid: how is she? is she fine?

Doctor smiled and said: she is fine but she is still very very weak. her head is not that much hurt but her stomach is hurt so she can't walk. she is required with liquid food so focus on that.
Sid: can I meet her?
Doc: yes but she is unconscious, she will wake in some time.
Sid rushed inside the room and saw Avneet laying on the bed.

Sid rushed inside the room and saw Avneet laying on the bed

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Sid went and sat on the stool beside her.
Sid held her hand and kissed it softly.

Sid: I am sorry, I shouldn't have let you go alone. It was my mistake but I promise Whosoever did it he/she will be killed now. 

Suddenly he heard Avneet saying something

Avu: ah, my st.ma.ch hurt.
Sid held her 

She slowly opened her eyes 👀 . she saw Siddharth. she tried to get up but She felt sharp pain in her stomach so she kept her hand at her stomach and shouted in pain.

Avu: ah (tears fall from her eyes due to the pain.)

Sid saw it and said with concern flowing from his tone: Wait, it will pain you so let me help you

he stand up and put his hand behind her back. she shrivel. he help in siting.

Sid: is it paining to much?
she nodded her head. 

he held her hand softly.

Sid: it is all because of me, I shouldn't have let you go alone to car.
Avu: no it wasn't your mistake I just went to help  VA and I just hit the truck.
Sid: but still,
Avu: don't worry I am fine it just paining me.
Sid: See you have to follow some rules:
Avu: why?
Sid: you have to, you are injured 
Avu: I am injured that means I will follow rules?
Sid: yes so rules are
1. You have to eat only liquid food
2. You will not do any work
3. you will not stand you will ask for help from me.

Avu: done?
Sid: yes.
Avu: ugh! don't want to follow rules
Sid: you have to so keep quiet
Avu: humph! 
Sid was sitting there only when someone came into the room.
Abhi: Avu are you fine? And ya why you took this much time you have whole day to spend time with your wife so go out now.

Sid: fine

he went out 

Abhi: how are you Avu?
Avu: I am fine just my stomach is paining.
Abhi: I swear whosoever did it I will kill the person and make the person met the hell
Avu: Calm down Abhi we will see that later, I am totally fine now I am alive in front of you

Abhi hugged her, his body touched her stomach she winced.

Avu: Ah!
Abhi: sorry, okay now take care and it is night also so I will ask who will stay here with you.
Avu: okay.

Abhi went out.

Abhi: okay so who is staying with Avneet?
Sid: I will.
All smirked at him.
Sid: I mean I can
Ari: okay so you can we will go.

All went to home.

Sid went and sat beside Avu. She was sleeping very cutely with a pout on her face. Sid smiled looking at her face.. Sid leaned and was about to place a kiss on her forehead but she turned her head to left Side due to which his lips got pressed on her cheek. Sid's eyes widened and Avu smiled in sleep.

suddenly Nurse came. 

Nurse: sir make her eat her food

she said keeping the bowl on the side table.

Nurse went out
Sid: how will I wake her?

he started patting her cheeks

Sid: Avneet, Avneet get up
Avu: mmm..
Sid: Avneet get up.
Avu: lemme sheep
Sid smiled at her cuteness.
Sid: rabbit opened your eyes.
Avu slowly opened her eyes.
Sid:(smirking) You like the name rabbit 🐰 right?
Avu: what?
Sid: I called you rabbit and then you wake up.
Avu: umm.. coincidence.
Sid: fine! now eat your food?
Avu: what is it?
Sid: soup.
Avu: no I don't want to drink the soup
Sid: you have to stop doing tantrums.
Avu made a disgusting face at the soup

Sid: now drink.

Avu tried to get up. but her stomach hurt.

Sid: I said, I will help you wait

he made her sit. he was very close to her. his nose was touching her. Avu quickly look down. suddenly.


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