is he/she your friend

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sid goes towards them and stand between ran and avu

Avu: what do you want now

Sid: nothing just here for the fresher

Avu: see if you bully him na i will surely kill you 

Sid: is he ur boyfriend

avu: no

Sid: just stay quiet then

he turned towards ran and got shocked seeing him and he also got shocked suddenly they hugged each other all got shocked seeing him

Sid: ran you here

Ran : hey sid actually i joined the college today only

Sid: oh  but why are you sitting here with them , come sit with us

Ran: ya sid -

Avu: he will not sit with you

sid: who are you to decide this 

avu : i am his friend

Sid: hey you, girl-

Avu: Avneet , Avneet kaur(in attitude)Sid: whatever he will sit with me 

Avu: with me 

Sid: with me

Avu: with me

Sid: with me

Avu: with me

Sid: with me

Avu: with me

Sid: with me

ran: just shut up we can sit together also

sidneet: okay

they all went at sat on the same table

Avu: hey(politely)

everyone: hi

jan: lets introduce ourself

so lets start with avnett

plz imagine yourself i am very lazy 

Avu: i think we should leave now

fai: she is right

they all left 

when all settled only 2 seats are ledt and sidneet is only left

sidneet frocefully sat on last bench 


I will change sit today all were happy specially sidneet

so arrangement of sits





bha vi

ran with randon boy

tr- and you 2 (sidneet) sit there only

their smile faded 

Tr: sitting arrangement will remain same

sidneet were shocked

tr: i have written a question on board its hard to solve but the one who will solve it i will give extra marks to him/her

only one student raised hand you all may guess yes its our heroine avu. all were looking at her

tr: you know the answer

avu: ya it's very easy

tr: so solve it

avu go and solve it in less than 2 minutes 

Avu: done

Tr: nice its totally correct you will got extra marks for question and handwriting too

Avu: thank you sir

she went and sit on her sit

Sid: i am impressed 

Avu: thanks

the bell rang and all leave the class

in canteen

rineet: guys i have an idea 

both laugh but someone was getting jealous guess who no cheating





































anu(who thought sid)

ri: you tell

Avu: you tell

ri: you tell

Avu: you tell

ri: you tell

Avu: you tell

ri: you tell

Avu: you tell

Anu: shut up Avu you tell

Avu: what about sleepover

ri: hey that was my idea

Avu: means same idea

they hi-fied and anu as again jealous

Avu: so sleepover at my house as my parents are out for some work and will come day after tommorow

all : so done we will come

rineet: let's go

both laughs making avu jealous

the rest day go narmally

that's it 

i will upload some day's after as i will be going out of town so i can't upload

In Love With My RivalHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin