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It took ten minutes to get from the History and Social Studies classroom to the staff room printer and back again, all because the maths teacher; Ms Whitaker decided that she did not believe Paige when she said that Mr Andrews had sent us to the printer.
I was surprised that Liam wasn't glaring at me when I walked back into the classroom, instead he was looking down at something on the desk, a pen in hand as he wrote in....in my notebook.
"That was longer than 5 minutes." Liam lifted his head to look at me as I sit down in the chair next to him.
"Got held up by a teacher." I muttered, sliding my notebook away from to see what he'd written: Catherine of Aragon - DIVORCED, Anne Boleyn - BEHEADED, Jane Seymour - DIED, Anne of Cleves - DIVORCED, Catherine Howard - BEHEADED and Catherine Parr - SURVIVED.

"Some people in the hallway were talking about a party on Friday, to celebrate being back at school or something." The words rolled off my tongue casually, my heartbeat increasing as Liam turned his gaze onto me, his expression carefully blank. "I was thinking that maybe...you and I could go?"
"You have homework." Liam pointed out, stiffly.
"I can have one night off of study." I replied, but part of me knew I was fighting an endless uphill battle. Liam always won and I'd never had the backbone to challenge him any further then a few words.
"You are not going to a party." Liam snarled softly, glaring at me. I gulped, lowering my eyes to avoid his intense gaze.
"Ok." I breathed, looking down at my notebook but not really looking at it at the same time.
I felt fingers on my cheek, pushing my hair back behind my ear as I looked up again.
"Get your things." Liam demanded as I blinked in confusion. What? I must of said it out loud because he repeated the statement. He didn't even wait until I zipped up my bag before he latched his hand onto my wrist and started pulling me towards the classroom door.
I didn't bother asking where he was taking me because: 1) I wouldn't get an answer and 2) My mind had wandered back to the party on Friday and how I wanted to go.

I stared out the window of Liam's car, hugging my knees as I watched the world outside fly by. He hadn't spoken to me since dragging me out of the classroom and I knew he was pissed. The car came to a halting stop in front of Mary and Pop's Diner, the radio talking about a three car pile up on the other side of town.
"Why do you suddenly want to go to parties?" Liam turned to face me as I turned away from the window, my eyes meeting his.
"What does it matter?" I wondered, I shrugged when he repeated the question. "I thought it sounded like fun." I turned away from him again, muttering under my breath. "Not that I'll ever get a chance to know what that is."
"Get out of the car." Liam ordered calmly but when I turned back towards him, his eyes had that darkened look. I obeyed, pondering the pros and cons of what would happen if I tried to make a dash for it as I waited next to the car. Liam got out a few seconds later, coming around towards me.
"You're angry at me." I whispered, wondering why it was upsetting me so much.
"Of course not." Liam scoffed but he wouldn't look at me as he grabbed my hand, leading me towards the door to the Diner.

Mary and Pop's Diner was a family business owned by an old African American couple named Mary and David, and located on the border of the two sides of town; the rich side where people own mansions, flashy cars and holiday homes in exotic places like Bora Bora, and then the poorer side where people have to work two jobs to make ends meet. It was a 1950s themed diner with monochromatic checkered floors, booths and a jukebox in the corner.

"Chocolate milkshake?" Liam asked, turning towards me as I nodded, trying to work out what his ulterior motive was. "Pie as well?"
I shook my head, frowning. Was he sick or something? This was uncharacteristic behaviour for him; first he let me go off twice, ok the first time he told Abby to go with me and then he didn't make me skip my last lessons and now he was offering to buy me a milkshake and a slice of pie.

Tales from the Darkside (Currently Being Rewritten) Where stories live. Discover now