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Trying to do my work while on Liam's lap was proving to be difficult but not impossible, he wasn't showing any interest in helping me, instead he was fiddling with my hair or drawing patterns with his fingers on my arms or legs. It was annoying as shit.
"Are you going to help me?" I asked, surprised at my own confidence. My usual reaction was to do nothing and make it look like it didn't bother me but I didn't want to do that. I tried not to quake when he leant closer, so close that we were practically sharing breath.
"No." This close to him, I could clearly see his dark brown hair that looked as though he'd been running his fingers through it constantly, the storm-grey eyes that darkened when he was angry like actual storm clouds and the smirk that told me he had something planned. I turned away from Liam and back to my project planner.
I'd written down all the names of the Six Wives in order: Catherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn, Jane Seymour, Anne of Cleves, Catherine Howard and Catherine Parr.
Fingers latched onto my chin, pulling my gaze back to his and away from my notebook. "Are you annoyed?" Well, no fucking shit. Liam sounded amused as I half-heartedly glared at him, wondering what was going through his head.

"Hey, Cora." My head snapped around towards Paige who was standing just two desks away, my eyes wide with surprise. "Can I borrow you for a couple of minutes? Mr Andrews wants some students to print off some documents from the staff room printer."
I blinked, my mind racing as I felt Liam tense behind me. Not good. So very far from good. Paige's eyes darted between Abby, Jake, Ben, Sam and Liam before finally landing back on me. "Liam." I whispered, dragging his attention back towards me, the storm already brewing in his eyes. I was caught between begging that he let me go and telling him that I was going to go with Paige. "I'm going to go to the staff room and I'll be back in 5 minutes, I swear."
"No fucking way." I wasn't surprised by this reaction, it was one of Liam's most obvious reactions to situations; the other being physical violence.
"But..." I opened my mouth to protest when he cut me off.
"Persuade me." I blinked....what? "If you can persuade me, I'll let you go."
That...that was impossible! I couldn't....there was no way that I could possibly....I had no power over him! There was absolutely no way that I could persuade him.
But you already have. A voice in my head pointed out. He came to class instead of dragging you out of school because you told him that you wouldn't be partners for the project otherwise.
I did the only thing that I could think of and to be honest, I don't think that I was thinking when I did it. I moved closer to him, eyes darting between his own eyes and mouth....he certainly looked kissable if I was honest.
I kissed him, surprised to find myself enjoying it but part of me wondered whether or not that by kissing him, I'd given him another weapon to use against me.
Was Liam a good kisser? To my surprise....yes. And I couldn't help feeling suspicious as to how he was so good.
I pulled away, out of breath as I looked down at my lap. "Go." Liam was blinking as though he had an eyelash in his eye. I waited to hear Mr Andrews tell me off but it never came, probably because he was busy doing whatever on his laptop. "Go."
I scrambled off his lap as fast as possible, walking towards Paige who was leaning over a nearby desk with a pen in her hand. She looked up, giving me a small smile as she straightened.

"You're not a very talkative person, you know that?" Paige informed me as we walked down the hallway towards the staircase: the staff room was on the second floor while the History and Social Studies room was on the third. "Ruby says you only talk to Liam." It was true. "Is he your boyfriend?"
"What?" I gasped, eyes widening as my head whipped around towards her. "Liam's not....I mean we're not...." I shook my head, struggling to think straight. "He's a-" I was about to say friend but that wasn't it, was it? "It's complicated."
We rounded the corner near the stairs, making it halfway down the staircase before Paige spoke. "So, my cousin used to go here about 6 years ago and every year he comes from Duke University to throw some major party to celebrate the fact that school's back." Well that was the first I heard of it but that wasn't surprising. "It's on Friday night and it starts at 7." Paige pulled something out of the back pocket of her lavender coloured jeans; an A5 piece of black paper with bold fluro green writing. "The number is mine if you ever want to call me. Even if you don't come to the party."
I took it, putting it in my pocket as my mind immediately thought about Liam's reaction....but whatever he doesn't know can't hurt, right?

Tales from the Darkside (Currently Being Rewritten) Where stories live. Discover now