chapter 7

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"are you feeling any better Mr Kennedy?" Muttered the nurse who was standing above me. My eyes slowly open as I heard her pitch voice. I nod my head in response, I wasn't hundred percent okay but I can pull through. It was such a long journey from all the way from Texas-California to Indiana. You will need some jackets and socks since the weather in Indiana is Cold"  the nurse gave me a jacket for me to feel warm and cozy. Do you need anything to drink?" Ask the nurse I shook my head in response.

I wasn't comfortable in a unknown place without my family member present. I miss the Kennedy compound, dining with the Shriver's visiting palm beach and having a fun time with my beloved family. As a tear rolled down my face as memories began to flash, everything seemed to be going down hill for me.

"Mr. Kennedy" whispered a voice from the hallway. My heart began to pump really fast, "don't be scared come with me" I could   see the shadows on the wall get bigger the further the person came. I was in a vegetable state at this moment, I couldn't help myself and I was all alone.

"Don't be scared I will not harm you just come with me" the voice spoke once again. Appear from the shadows was a tall fair skin complexion man with dark brown hair and hazel eyes. He dressed as a secret service agent with a clean cut mustache and a watch on his left hand.

The man was definitely taller than me he was slim and have a bold birth mark on his forehead. I'm agent Wallis I'm here to protect you" he glanced over me before he began making his way towards the bed I was laying on.  I tried to back off but my bad back gave up, not knowing what to do I put my hands over my face as a shield to protect me.

What surprised me the man didn't hurt me or did anything out of the ordinary. "I told you I wasn't going to hurt you" he scoffed. "I'm here behalf of one reason and that is your family wants you safe..." The man talked with a lisp tongue and he seemed less like a predator than I portrayed him to be.

"There was so much unanswered questions that I want to say but couldn't get the words. Agent Wallis got up from the bed I was laying on and faces me "we got to go there's not much time left" he said to me hastily adjusting me off the bed.

Look hold on to my watch" the agent points at the watch that was resting on his left hand. I thought this was ridiculous, why should I hold on to his watch in what way was this going to benefit me. Besides the watch looks very unusual and unique, where going into the future now"

Wait... what.. what did he just say the future is he some kind of magician" I didn't have a second taught of what was going on, after I hold to his watch this got blurry and I was spinning rapidly anticlockwise. What on god's green earth was going on" I wonder to myself how come I didn't throw up or die. After a few seconds I passed out, when I woke up I found myself on a bed. I look around and my eyes were filled with tear's i was back at the white house again. A huge smile came across my face it was good to be back home, the agent lied to me about taking me to the future but one thing that stand's out to me the decorations had changed.

Instead of baby blue cushions and curtains it was changed into royal blue. And my lamp and furniture was not there either it was a different lamp and furniture. I couldn't complain about the room color it was way fancier than the old one. The cushion pillow was shaped in a heart and also have a royal blue color, everything seemed wonderful about the room.

A creak of a door knob startled me. A middle aged woman appeared "Dad!" The woman yelled she rushed over to me and gave me a big hug. "Caroline" I whispered. Not only was I shocked to see Caroline but I was in shocked to hear my voice again. I could talk, there wasn't no rusty sound my throat wasn't hurting anymore my voice came out perfect.

"Yes it's me Dad it's me!" She cried into my arms. I'm so happy to see you my darling" I responded back with tears running down my face. "You look amazing I can't believe you have got this big"

"Dad it's 2018" she said.

"Twenty what!"  I frozed.

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