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You might have to bare with me for this chapter, I'm not the best at writing romantic things but I will try my best!

"Are you awake?"

The purring feeling of laying against Kai's chest placidly stirs me awake. Though my eyes are still sealed together, he can somehow tell that I'm waking up. Without moving too much from my snug position, I delicately move my hand up to his shoulder, tracing my nails along his skin like a paintbrush against paper. He gives a low hum, acknowledging my response and relaxing into my squishy mattress that his long legs just about fit on. The duvet is swamped over us, protecting us from the coolness of winter which is just around the corner. I'm leaning against him like a hot water bottle for extra warmth, and my head rests on his body like last time. Except now, there's no need for us to rush off to work or to the airport. We finally get to have sweet, sweet time to ourselves.

"This feels right." My mouth starts to naturally run away with its self. "I'm glad you were open with me."

"What do you mean?" Kai asks, his tone low and husky as we've just woke up.

I wish my voice could sound soothing and relaxing, instead it sounds like a vicious cat has used my throat as a scratching post.

"You could've walked away and never spoke to me again." I point out, peeling my eyes open to peak out the window, getting a blurry view of the glistening winter sunlight. "But you didn't, so thank you."

Kai chuckles a little, and I could feel his laughter move through his chest just like his voice did. My face beams in a star struck daze, closing my eyes and shimmying as close to him as I can. I feel a lightening hand settle on my side, sending a wave of butterflies through my stomach. I hear him exhale through his nose, and it suddenly felt like he was deflating like a balloon underneath me.

"What's wrong?" I ask, my eyes shooting open and my whole body freezing, ready to jump up like a fox in headlights. "What are you thinking about?"

"It was nearly a month." He mentions, his hand on my side clutching me a little bit tighter. "The social media didn't pester us."

"Bliss." I remark with a giggle, taking my cue to chill out and starting tracing his shoulder and bicep again.

"Not really." He chuckles back, shifting by my side.

He groans as he lethargically rolls over, laying flat on top of me in the centre of the bed. I drape my hands under his arms and across his back, lifting my chin upwards to give Kai space to rest his head. His forehead presses against my cheek, his wavy hair tickling my ear.

"We couldn't see each other." Kai reminds me of our last oh-so-slow month.

"Bliss." I repeat teasingly, and I can sense his smile against my skin. "It was a long time."

"We're back now." Kai says, like I haven't noticed! "And I'm happy to be with you."

"Until your nationals start again." I chuckle, messing about with his hair. "Then I won't see you for longer than a month."

"I'll take you with me next time." Kai chuckles, his voice becoming clearer as we start to fully wake up.

"How do I tell work that I need nearly two months off?" I frown, leaning my cheek onto him. "I can't just quit and join back every time you get a world competition, and how am I supposed to pay for this place?"

We both pause in thought, as if my statement is actually being considered. The moment of silence feels like pure euphoria, and I wish I could pause time just for this second. I can't stand sharing a bed, it's never been my thing, but how can I make an exception for one person? My eyes drift shut again, like I'm about to drop back to sleep. Then, Kai starts to move, and my arms slip off of him and fall to my side. I can hear him grunt as he stretches, then rustling about as he finds a jumper.

"Are you getting up or are you staying there?" Kai teases, nudging me a little and causing my eyes to open.

"It's still early, leave me alone." I chuckle, rubbing my eyes with the bottom of my palms. "A Cobham Graduate deserves her beauty sleep."

"It's nearly the middle of the afternoon." Kai tells me, taking my hand and slowly pulling me out of my position in bed. "Come on."

"Fine." I whine, getting up and stretching again. "I'm getting up to do nothing."

"We've got a game at seven, aren't you coming to that?" Kai asks, reaching into my wardrobe to pull out the Chelsea top I stole from the interview. "You can't lose your chance to wear this!"

"Fine, give it here." I shake my head, looking up to him as I lazily pull the top from his hand. "Just because it's got your name on it!"

"Yeah, it looks good on you."

Luckily I'm still in that weird haze you get when you've just woke up, where you don't really react to much. I heard what Kai said loud and clear, and it definitely took all the nerves out my stomach, wound them up and shoved them back in again. On the outside, all I did was emotionlesslynraise my eyebrows at him, causing him to laugh at me, then leave me alone to get changed.

"Do you want me to make you anything?" Kai asks, leaning on the doorframe. "I'm about to start breakfast."

"Nah, I've got something special in mind." I grin, going back to my wardrobe to get the rest of my outfit out. "But thank you!"

"Alright." He chuckles, shutting my door and leaving me to get changed.

I exhale as I'm left alone for the first time in 24 hours. There's something about being alone that I love, like you can find peace in eerie silence. Yet, the rustling and the rumbling coming from around me reassures the nervous side of me that I'm not totally alone. Maybe I like the part of loneliness where no one can see you, and you're free to be yourself without being judged. There's a sense of comfort in it?

As I can't particularly be bothered to put on a stylish outfit today, I grabbed the most basic things I could. I put a white, long sleeved, high neck top on under Kai's Chelsea top to keep me warm, then a pair of baggy black jeans which I rolled at the bottom. I pick up a pair of old white trainers that I haven't worn for ages, taking them to the front door so I can put them on when we're ready.

"Have you got to go back home to get your kit?" I ask, noticing how he's brought his bag from last night here.

"We get the kits in the changing room, don't worry." He shakes his head in response. "I've got everything."

His medal! I don't know why what he just said made me remember that I've got it! I dash back to my room, going around to my side of the bed and opening up the little drawer. I've had this thing for weeks! I take it out with a smile, making sure the ribbon isn't tangled, then rush back out to him. He's got his back to me as he's making himself his breakfast, so I stand on my tip toes and attempt to put the medal over his neck like they did after the game.

"Wow." He chuckles, turning around to face me once it's on. "You've still got this?"

"What else was I going to do with it?" I scoff jokingly, patting it on his chest. "Gold suits you."

Then, I don't really know how or why it happened, but we both went in for a little kiss. Nothing full on, don't worry! But it was almost like a natural reaction? Even after it happened and we pulled away from each other, there was no nervous reaction or panicked apologising like the scenario at the champions league game. It felt right this time!

Oh my God it felt right?

Cosmo's Luck // 𝐊𝐚𝐢 𝐇𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐳Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ