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We got to Cobham 10 minutes later than we wanted due to the traffic, so when we both got out of the car, we didn't have a spare minute to say goodbye to each other. We gave each other a little wave, then Kai ran off towards the gym whilst I started to make my way to the media centre. I don't like being late to anything, whether it's an important occasion or not. As I pace down towards the office, my footsteps are the only ones to be heard, ricocheting off the empty corridor walls.

"Cass! Cassie!" A voice hollers at me from the other end of the corridor. "Oi Cass! Wait a sec!"

I twist around to see Aidan jogging towards me, awkwardly looking down to the ground as he gets closer. I can't help but frown at him as he stops in front of me, holding his hands on his knees as he catches his breath. He only ran from one end of the corridor to here? How unfit is he?

"Cass, I'm so sorry about the interview, I didn't know Mason would be there!" Aidan apologises between short breaths as he stands upright. "I had an argument with the media team during the break, they couldn't cut any of it out because it was all live."

"I know, it's fine." I tell him, chuckling at how tired he is after chasing me. "You didn't say anything, it's not your fault."

"You're not pissed?" Aidan scoffs, looking a tad confused.

"No, if anything I'm just terrified of what social media will say." I admit, raising an eyebrow and nodding towards the office.

"You haven't seen it?" Aidan asks, looking surprised when I shake my head. "I won't lie to you, there's a lot of mixed reactions."

Of course there is. There always will be, won't there? You can never please the public, ever!

"I left my phone at home, I'll look later." I shrug, slowly leaning towards the door. "You're working tonight, right?"

"Yeah, you?" Aidan returns the question, which I give a nod back to. "Can you come with me to hand my notice in, please?"

"I was going to do the exact same." I agree with him, slowly stepping towards the door. "I've got to go, I'm really late!"

I give myself a little pep talk in my head, plucking up all the courage I can, then walking into the room as casually as possible. Not only did this lot put my name all over TV last night, but I've now rocked up 10 minutes late whilst everyone is working! I get a prompt glimpse around the room as I walk in, everyone that I've met and become friends with perk up and give me a smile before getting back to work. This wasn't what I was expecting? Maybe Kai was right, and maybe I was being slightly dramatic! I take a deep breath as I sit to my desk, turning on the laptop and staring at the blank screen as it whirs to life. I'm glad I'm not on office work for long, because the thought of sitting here and typing all day is not my cup of tea!

A/N: 'TyPiNg AlL dAy iSnT mY cUp Of TeA' whilst I literally spend all my time at college working on a computer and then come home to type this story up on a computer :')

"Good morning." Comes a voice behind me, followed by a hand on my shoulder. "Everything ok? I texted you twenty minutes ago and didn't get a response?"

I swivel around on my chair to face my mentor, Jay. He's been so incredibly kind and supportive through my first few weeks here, and has given me the opportunity to experience every sector behind the media team. Of course photography has still been my desire, but it's a pleasure to get a taster of all the elements before making my final decision. Jay is also a very patient man, which I guess you have to be when your job involves a lot of trial-and-error. He's qualified to work in all of the media teams, but he specialises in a photography and film, hence why he was chosen to guide me on my exhilarating journey. He can be a good chat when he wants, but he spends most of his time strictly focussed on his task until he reaches his official break; that means you might not get a casual conversation out of him for nearly 4 hours sometimes if he skips his break.

"Hey, sorry I'm late." I apologise, brushing a plait off my shoulder. "I forgot my phone at home, and the traffic made me late."

"Ah, fair enough." Jay shrugs, fortunately letting it slide. "Do you want to know what's on your agenda today?"

"Go for it." I nod enthusiastically, though I can already tell today is going to be a long one.

"We need photos from the men's first team, the children's team and also the ladies' team." Jay tells me, ticking them off by putting up his fingers. "We also need some photos of Aidan Hawke for a web page, the socials aren't impressed."

"Why?" I frown, confused as to why they're pissed at Aidan and not me. "Did he do something wrong?"

"No, the fans are annoyed that we're hiring 'pitch invaders' as they called him." Jay sighs, rolling his brown-black eyes. "We just need to write up a little blog of how we met him, what his qualities are and how we come to sign him."

"Ok, cool." I give a nod of approval, making a mental note of my to-do list as I log onto my computer. "Anything else I should know?"

"This is your first independent piece of work, so I'm looking forward to it!"

Oh- bollocks! Jay has been accompanying me and shadowing me during all of my projects so far to make sure I'm getting everything right and to their standards. So not only have I had the most intense 2 weeks of training from one of the best in Chelsea FC media, but I've now got to prove to him that I've understood it all! How am I going to be able to copy his work? No, photographers never copy others. They learn and adapt, which is why everyone's artwork is so unique. I'm hoping that is what he wants, otherwise I'm about to take a huge risk that could end badly!

"On it."

Cosmo's Luck // 𝐊𝐚𝐢 𝐇𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐳Where stories live. Discover now