The Revelation

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After a few months of being together again, Seojun has decided to propose the Song. The venue he proposed in was not really extravagant but it was very romantic, because Seojun prepared it with Song in mind. Song was really surprised because he was not expecting him to propose, and his dad was still against him. But he said yes because he really loves Seojun whether he is Jung or Seojun.

The couple were very happy with each other, but Song's father was still finding ways in order to break them from each other. He still tried arranging Song with ladies and tried to sabotage Seojun, but the couple became stronger than ever.

One day, Seojun's parents have decided to call them together at home because they were planning to tell them something about Song's father. They found out that he was the one who was in charge of kidnapping, and also the one who killed Seojun's friends and non-biological family. After hearing this, Song was really surprised because he was not expecting his father to result into these ways. This made him develop a hatred for him and decided to confront him with Seojun.

His father tried denying it first, but they had found sufficient evidence and proceeded with legal action. Song's father was sentenced to jail for 20 years, but it was reduced to 10 years because of his old age. After his father went to jail, Song became really depressed, because even though he was a criminal, he was still his father. Even in these hard times, Seojun never failed to love him, be always there for him, and support him in everything he does.

Although there were ups and downs in their relationship, they stayed strong because of love. Seojun not only has cured Suho's weak heart, but also filled the void inside it.

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