Finally Reunited

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Song on the other hand, was by himself. His father didn't join him because he was busy having fun with his mistress, which made him really infuriated. How can he leave his son alone in a party where most people are powerful and shouldn't be offended. Since he actually does not know that much people, he felt really awkward.

Eunbi Kim and Myeonghwan Lee finally went up to the stage to welcome their guests and make friendly introductions. After a while, they went to the story on how they lost their son and how they were trying to find him, and finally told everyone that they had already found him after 30 years. In a very grand entrance, Seojun or Jung finally appeared.

Song's jaw dropped, he was definitely not expecting Jung to be their long lost son. But he decided to go see the couple after the speech, and congratulate them for reuniting with their long lost son again. Seojun was just staring at him intently, but inside he was actually so nervous because it had been so long since they last met, and fascinated at the same time because his love was still ethereal, but he decided to not show that. With Seojun's stare, Song felt kinda awkward and excused himself, in which Seojun also followed.

They both sat together at the garden without saying anything, as it just felt comfortable for them. Until Song started a conversation, then they both asked each other how they are doing now, and admitted that they really missed each other. Seojun then told Song that he will do everything to support him, and he had already found a way to cure him. They also both admitted to their feelings that they still loved each other, and leaned in for a kiss. The kiss was really passionate, with a mix of love and longing. They sat there for a while, and decided to go back to the party.

After coming back, Seojun then introduced Song to his parents as his lover and the guy he wants to marry, in which his parents were ecstatic about the news because they know Song is a good person and would never betray him.

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