"Don't do that again!" She warned, pointing a finger against his chest as he rested his forehead against hers, bumping her nose with his.

"I will." He ignored her warning and chased after her lips, but never managed to catch them. An all too familiar Shh! sounded beyond the shelves and Juliette immediately pried herself away from him, afraid Madam Pince might catch them and forbid them from entering the library again. Draco didn't seem too pleased with the interruption, and he made it known with a scowl as he went back to his previous spot against the desk. Juliette ignored her search for new books and focused on tidying her bag so they could leave. A blush was covering her cheeks.

"So are you going to come and watch?" Draco asked, his eyes following her clumsy movements.


"The Quidditch. Are you going to watch me play?" Juliette glanced at him. His voice sounded casual, as did his question, but something in his wording made her smile. He wanted her to be there, to support him, and how could she ever say no to him?

"Of course I will."

But, of course, nothing would ever go as planned when it concerned her. Just as she reached the door that led to the Courtyard, a familiar fake cough stopped her.

"Juliette Avery, just the person I was looking for." Juliette knew it was nothing pleasant when she identified the voice as Snape's. She reluctantly turned around and faced Snape's shadow-like form with his hands intertwined behind him.

"Professor." She greeted, slightly out of breath from running.

"Are you in a hurry?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. Everything that came out of his mouth made him sound like he was suspicious of every single thing around him. It was enough to make the most innocent person think they were actually hiding something.

"I'm late to Quidditch. Madam Sprout asked for my help with-"

"Ah, yes, Quidditch. I heard you're the new Seeker now, quite an achievement. But to my knowledge, you're not playing today." He interrupted, taking a few steps closer.

"No, I'm not. I just want to watch." Juliette grabbed her bag's strap, getting uncomfortable.

"I'm afraid you can't. Professor Firenze is waiting to see you."

Juliette paused, frowning in confusion and feeling dread build up in her chest with the thought of not being able to watch Draco.

"Professor Firenze?"

"Your new Divination teacher. He's in Classroom Eleven, don't keep him waiting."

"But Quidditch-" She tried to protest, but Snape walked past her without even bothering to hear the rest of the sentence.

"Yes, I'm heading there right now. Thank you for the reminder, Miss Avery. Be on your way now." Juliette stared at his back in disbelief, her protests and questions stuck behind her parted lips. Why now? Why not any other time? Why can't she just sit with Blaise at the stands and simply be there for Draco?

Disheartened and annoyed, more than anything else, she left the door behind and unwillingly searched Classroom Eleven on ground floor. She's seen the room many times, but never went in. It was unused just like the one she's been taking advantage of on seventh floor, and now for some reason it was assigned for Divination. Maybe the one in the North Tower was still occupied by Trelawney, although unlikely with Umbridge meddling with every little detail in Hogwarts.

The corridors were silent and empty, a reminder of her involuntary absence at the game, and the classroom's door was closed. She knocked three times, and a calm invite sounded from the other side.

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