chapter twenty one

Start from the beginning

"Lo sé, pero quiero ayudar." Chino replied, keeping his eyes trained on the ground. "Me quedo."

Spotting Tony on the outskirts, Riff strutted across the warehouse and smirked, glad that his friend had arrived. "And just when all hope is lost..." He pushes him backwards slightly, not wanting anyone else to hear what they were talking about and lowers his voice. "So, is this the Shot Heard Rount the World or just, y'know, more of yer bullshot?"

"Don't ask me about shootin, pal, you're the one with the gun." Tony snapped, huffing loudly and narrowing his eyes at the boy who had once been his best friend; now he was unrecognisable and he didn't want anything to do with him.

"That's who I am but who're you? Friend or foe?"

Tony rolled his eyes, attempting to push past him. "You're outta control-"

"Hey!" Riff grabbed him, spinning him back around as their chests were almost touching. "I don't need it if you stand with us. Here, take it." He offers the gun between them, ensuring that no one else would see it and when Tony didn't touch it, Riff shoves it into his pocket. Forcing the other boy to take responsibility of the weapon. "Go on, it'll be safe with you and you pitch in."

"I wanna talk to-"

"I'm doing the talking." He says confidently, shoving Tony away before rushing back to the front of the Jets, ready to start the rumble against Bernardo. "Let's do it!" The Jets begin cheering at the thought of getting the rumble started, glad that the fight was finally happening and they didn't have to anticipate the wait any longer.

Tony rushes after him, pushing his friend out of the way to get to the front and stared down Bernardo, not wanting to come across angry but hoping that the guy would give him a chance. "Hey, can I talk to you?"

"Anything you need to say you can say it through me!"

"We talked enough, let's try something else." Bernardo says sternly to Tony, ignoring Riff, who was attempting to look over Tony's shoulder but had been cast aside.

"You and me, we just got off on the wrong foot is all." Tony pleaded, hoping that this would be enough to start a conversation but the gang members were just confused. The Sharks shoot glances at one another, amused at the words of the American whereas the Jets exchange uneasy looks, casting embarrassed glances at the Sharks.

Bernardo takes a mock swing at the boy, missing on purpose to get his boys to cheer for him. "I always know which foot I'm on."

"We all know you can fight, Bernardo, so, so can you just quit dancing for a second and-"

"And can you stop whispering in his ear." Riff snapped angrily, not happy that Tony was risking everything that they had worked hard for just for a chance to plead with the leader of the rival gang. It didn't make any sense; this was a rumble not a date; they weren't there to make small talk.

"-just listen to what I came here to tell you. I got nothing against you and if I...if somehow or other, I offended you, I apologise." He ended his apology with his hand out, praying that the man would take it and they could end this rumble before it got seriously worse but Bernardo swatted his hand away, making the Sharks laugh loudly.

"Qué carajo está pasando?"

"Oye pana, I thought we were going to fight." Quique spoke frustratingly, holding his chain tightly as his knuckles turned white in anticipation. "Ten cuida'o, jefe!" Anibal shoved his friend, getting worked up. "Te puede dar la puñalá por la espalda!"

"Te lo dije, son un chorro de huele pegas!" Julito added as the other Sharks seemed to be tired of waiting for the fight to begin. "Esto es un relajo! Ellos no van a pelear!"

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