chapter twenty

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// - chapter twenty - \\"i braved a hundred storms to leave you

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// - chapter twenty - \\
"i braved a hundred storms to leave you."



Despite not getting to talk to Tony before the deed was done with the gun, Elizabeth had heard from whispers on the street that the rumble was going ahead. She didn't know where it was happening but hoped that a certain friend would be able to give her the exact location because he was always following the Jets around. The only thing that she did know was that the rumble would happen at night, when there were less people around and it was easier to hide in the dark; which meant that she spent most of the afternoon pacing in her bedroom as she waited for the evening to close in. Her parents had decided to go out for the evening, trusting that their daughter would be staying at home and having no idea for her concern for the Jets with the rumble fast approaching; as far as Mr and Mrs Russell knew, their daughter had changed her ways and they had no problem leaving her home alone.

Attempting to clear her head, she had taken a shower and wrapped herself in a nightgown, looking through her clothes to choose something that would keep her hidden when she snuck out of the apartment and headed to the rumble. She didn't want to get caught at the first hurdle and she also needed something agile, that would allow her to run and duck if there were cops nearby. Wrapping the fabric tighter around her body, she felt a shiver down her spine and wondered where the chill was coming from; as she looked towards her window, her question was answered. Her window was open and sat on the ledge awkwardly bending his knees was Riff, smirking slightly as he saw that he had caught her wearing very little in her bedroom. Instead of shoving him out of the room as she wished she could do, Elizabeth kept a stern expression and folded her arms over her chest like a toddler throwing a tantrum. "I have nothing to say to you."

"Sure, sounds like nothing."

"I know about the gun. I know that you think you're going to win but-"

"But you don't think we will?" Riff interrupted her, raising his own eyebrow at the lack of confidence that she had in his group and their abilities. "Why not? We beat the Bishops and the Egyptians and-"

"None of them are the Sharks, Riff. These guys are different." She argued, knowing that the Jets were good but they weren't trained like the Sharks were. It was a fight that could not be won as easily as the ones before. Then her eyes ran over him, wondering whether he had brought the weapon into her home, she couldn't see it but that didn't mean that it wasn't there. "Do you have it with you?"

"No, Ice is taking care of it. You wanted to see it?"

"I didn't want it here." She snapped back at him before pointing to the opened window that he was still perched on and raised her eyebrow. "You need to leave."

Ignoring her obvious want to get rid of him, Riff pondered a new question as he couldn't hear anyone else in the apartment. "Are your parents' home?"

"No, why are you asking?"

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