chapter fifteen

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// - chapter fifteen - \\"where love is lost your ghost is found

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// - chapter fifteen - \\
"where love is lost your ghost is found."



"Elizabeth, your date is here!"

Taking a deep breath and smoothening down the dress one more time in the mirror, Elizabeth heads out of her bedroom and into the main lounge where her parents were waiting for her. They stood next to each other proudly, her mother glaring at the boy in the room whereas her father was staring directly at her; they were still nervous about her adventures in the city but there were some ground rules to keep her safe. As much as she was free to enjoy the dance, her parents wanted her taken care of and she wasn't allowed to leave the gym unless she was coming home, no pitstops along the way. They had only allowed Diesel to take her because she promised that it was simply friendship, nothing else would happen and he seemed somewhat intelligent. Her father had questioned his name but once realising it was simply a nickname, he invited the boy inside his home.

She knew that that was a big step for her father, inviting a Jet into the house, especially after what he had said about Riff. As much as she hoped that her parents would change their minds, she knew that they were just trying to keep the peace for as long as possible as soon she would be on her way to London and she would never truly forgive them for taking away her freedom. It was the life that her sister wanted but it wasn't what she wanted. If she could stay in New York for the rest of her life then Elizabeth would choose that in a heartbeat, even if it meant living in a horrible apartment with a smalltown job and barely enough to get by. She wanted to be with Riff, she wanted to spend every day with the Jets and annoying the cops of the city; she wanted an adventure but that part of her life was almost over and it never really began.

Diesel offered his arm to her as she stepped across the room and whispered so that her parents couldn't hear. "Hey, you look beautiful."

"Thanks, Deez." She smiled back but their moment was cut short by a finger pointing in their direction.

"Now, remember, curfew is eleven and no later." Father said sternly, seeing the expression on his daughters' face so he repeated what he said. "No later, Elizabeth, I know this is your last dance but there are no exceptions. No associating with gangs, stay away from the Puerto Ricans. And if you need someone to walk you home then call the doorman and they can arrange-"

"I'll be fine, I promise." She began leading Diesel over to the door so that they could leave as soon as possible without the lecture from her parents.

Mother grabbed her arm before she could leave, lowering her voice into her ear. "Enjoy yourself but not too much." She let go and pulled back, adding one last comment before going back to her reading. "The green suits you."


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