chapter fourteen

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// - chapter fourteen - \\"no, i won't rescue you

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// - chapter fourteen - \\
"no, i won't rescue you."



Elizabeth wasn't concentrating as she made her way down the alley, the sun was setting and the chilled breeze of the evening was beginning to settle. She could barely see the path ahead of her as her eyes were filled with tears and she covered them with her hands, hoping that no passers-by would notice. It was one thing to let Riff know that she had been crying but bumping into anyone else and she would have been more than ashamed. Her mind was racing with the words exchanged between the two of them, a part of her wondered whether he meant what he said because if he did then there was hope for the real Riff to come back to her but the other part of her knew that she shouldn't trust him. He could just be using her again like he did before and she didn't want to start anything when she knew that she was leaving at the end of the week.

On the steps outside of his apartment building, Diesel was smoking a cigarette. The other Jets were inside, prepping for the dance that night as they styled their hair and primped their best outfits. He wasn't as bothered to impress anyone; he was going there simply because everyone else was and didn't want to be left out. Dancing was an enjoyable past time and he liked to dance but it wasn't the same without a partner, there was no point in dancing if you were dancing with someone that you didn't care about. Tonight, the Jets weren't going to the dance to dance, they were going to stir trouble and organise a rumble with the Sharks. Diesel wasn't too sure about the idea of the rumble but he would never say anything, he was consumed by his thoughts as someone quickly past the steps that he was sat on.

"Liza?" His voice carried across the empty alley as he recognised the girl that had rushed past and took the cigarette out of his mouth, holding it between his fingers. "Hey, I thought it was you, recognised the red everything okay?"

She stopped walking and turned, surprised that anyone had been able to recognise her in the gloomy light. "What? Yeah, uh, everything's fine." She quickly began rubbing around her eyes, hoping that he would believe her and not notice how puffy her face looked. "I think a bug flew in my eye, that's all, everything's fine."

"C'mon, sit down for a minute." He patted the space on the step next to him and reluctantly, Elizabeth climbed up to sit next to him. She refused to look in his direction, keeping her eyes on the street in front of them as she opened up to someone that she considered a friend, someone that she could trust.

"I'm sorry, Deez, I don't know what's happening to me."

Diesel shrugged, taking a rag from his back pocket and handing it to her so that she could clean her face, he didn't know the details of what had happened but with their missing leader and Elizabeth in tears; he could piece things together. "I get it, you love Riff and now he's sleeping with Grazie which doesn't make any sense when he obviously loves you-"

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