Chapter 91

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A few minutes later, Klaus arrived with Lisina.

Maddy was glad that Lisina hadn't had to witness what Greta was saying. She had a feeling the wolf would have just snapped, and it wouldn't have ended well. Someone would have been bitten, someone would have had their neck snapped, and next thing, a war would be declared between the supernatural communities.

"I'm taking him home," said Lisina once she learned what the vampires had come to do. "And this time, he's getting locked in."

"Good," said Maddy, a bit irritated. "He shouldn't have exited that cabin at all. Just watch your back. Those vampires are pissed, and they'll hurt you to get to him."

Henry hung his head in shame as he walked out of the house with Lisina. The vampire turned on her heels to face Hope, who was now in the living room. "Do you see why we're so upset?" she asked. "Do you see why I'm going to homeschool you together these two weeks?"

Hope didn't answer, and Maddy continued, "You need to take responsibility for the things you create. Hope, there is a reason why you and Anita's legal names in school are 'Salvatore' and 'Gilbert' instead of 'Mikaelson.' We're lucky the principal has a personal connection to the supernatural world, because otherwise, you wouldn't be safe anywhere. We are just trying to help you not be seen as a threat to this entire city. For years the witches have been insisting that you're going to bring death to them all, and we want to prove them wrong."

"Well maybe they're right," muttered Hope.

Klaus huffed in disbelief, looking saddened as he heard her say this. "Sweetheart, they could not be right about such a thing. Don't even say that."

"You two are so disappointed in me that you're hardly able to look me in the eyes," said Hope sharply. She grabbed her keys, and started to head for the door, but Klaus blocked her way.

"And just where do you think you're going?" he inquired.

Hope dodged before he could put a hand on her shoulder. "To the pasture."

"The pasture is two steps outside," said Maddy. "You don't need keys for that."

"I need space, okay? You're the ones always telling me I should be honest about what I need—"

"And where do you intend to go get this space?" asked Maddy. "Because you're not leaving this house unless another trustworthy adult is supervising you."

Hope sighed angrily. "Can you just let me go see Anita?"

"You were suspended from school, Hope, you can't just be going wherever you please, there have to be consequences."

The girl scoffed. "You can't ground me, I'm a witch, I'll just whammy myself out."

"That's funny," said Maddy, "because two seconds ago you were the one that didn't want to exit her room. What do you need to speak to Anita about?"

"Wolf stuff."

"And what wolf stuff would that—?"

"Oh my god, Mom!" snapped Hope. "You are never gonna get any of this! You're not a wolf! Stop talking about things you don't understand!"

Maddy's expression dropped, and Klaus quickly said, "Hope, that is no way to talk to your mother." She ignored him, and turned back to her room, taking out her phone and dialing a number. "Uncle Elijah, can you please pick me up? Thanks, I'll be ready in ten minutes."

Elijah, of course, called Klaus the instant Hope hung up and went to her room to pack an overnight bag. Klaus figured they ought not force Hope to stay home. Elijah and Elena would keep a good eye on her.

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