Chapter 68

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The prophecy, unfortunately, wasn't fake.

Klaus had come back to Maddy's room after consulting Freya, Elijah, and Kol (as well as Rebekah, over the phone). According to Freya, there was truly a shadow looming over the three Original vampires. It stated that within a year's time, they would fall, one by friend, one by foe, and one by family.

"So we have no choice but to hear Lucien out for a bit more," murmured Maddy. "Find out what else he knows, what his plan is for this. Just remember what I said... pretend all is well between you two."

"On the contrary," said Klaus, "I believe we ought to put him down immediately. Lucien qualifies as both friend and foe."

There was a knock in the doorframe, and they looked up to see Elijah there. "Niklaus," he said calmly, "before we murder Lucien, there are certain questions that need to be answered. Chiefly, what is he doing here?"

Klaus huffed when he realized both Maddy and Elijah were suggesting that Lucien be kept alive a bit longer.

"I could go and talk to him," said Maddy. "Nik, if you're certain he wouldn't hurt me, then I can just go and see what he tells me."

Elijah seemed eager to see where this went, but Klaus shook his head. "Absolutely not. What reason would there be for you to speak with him?"

"He mentioned some science-y stuff that could be done to find out if Enzo is or isn't from our sireline. Maybe I can pretend I'm curious about that and see what direction he points me."

"I don't like this," muttered Klaus. "Lucien could easily tear you to shreds if he decides he wishes to hurt me."

"No, he won't," said Maddy. "I don't trust him, but I don't think he'd be stupid enough to hurt me if he's got an ulterior motive. He'll want that hidden as long as possible. It's okay, Nik. I'll be very observant. The slightest hints that there's danger... and I'll be out of there. Don't worry."

"I'd feel better if I went with you," said Klaus.

"But then it would be too obvious that you're suspicious of him, and we don't want him to know that! If you want someone to go with me, Elijah can. He can say he wants a chance to see the prophetic witch for himself, then bam. We both have a reason to be there."

Klaus huffed. "I don't like this."

"It's only one time," said Maddy. "I just want to see what I can find out. Either way, I need to know what sireline Enzo is from. It's important."

Obviously, the majority won. Klaus stayed with Hope while Elijah and Maddy went to Lucien's penthouse apartment, which was in the most luxurious building in perhaps all of New Orleans.

"Elijah!" said Lucien happily when he saw them. "Madeleine— do come in. What brings you here?"

"Business," said Maddy calmly. "Elijah wants to see your prophetic witch and I want to speak to you about a few things."

It didn't escape her notice how Lucien's eyes almost seemed to darken. "Alexis is through that door," Lucien told Elijah, gesturing to one of the rooms. "Now, love, what is it you wanted to ask me?"

"You mentioned a way to find out what sireline my brother is from," said Maddy, sitting on the couch once Lucien motioned for her to do so. "I imagine that since you knew of a way to do it, you either have the tools to perform such an inspection, or you know someone who can."

Lucien smirked. "I could do it, if I had your brother's blood. As well as Nik's, Rebekah's, and Elijah's."

"Do you think you could do it based on old karyotypes?"

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