Chapter 15: sorry

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Date: April 6th 2022 Wednesday.
I am currently writing this late at night. 11:31 to be exact and I'm sorry for not uploading. It's been a rough week. My brothers was rough but still fun. Me and fish had fun together too also with this stay I think they hate me. I was so annoying. God. Anyways I haven't been doing to good. I have been slipping in and out of reality. Time goes by too fast. Sometimes I can't feel my body and I'm having bad mood swings. I think I know what's wrong but if I say it I know I will have disappointed a couple of people. The reason I haven't uploaded though is because I simply haven't had time. I'm struggling in school so I'm staying at the library until 7 pm every day. Even today when it was a early out. I don't know why. But that's kind of been my week. I can't even really tell you about it cause I can't remember it.
Also today is Martinez bday.
Speaking of today here we go.
1st period: nothing.
2nd period: one of my friends Sydnee asked for a hug so I gave her one. And then sorta in the middle of class I got called down to the office. Turns out it was the school's therapist. She wanted to talk to me and so we talked. Then when I was done I headed back to class and the school counselor and I talked on the way there. Then I finished class and blah blah blah.
Lunch: I pissed off sydnee by trying to get her to move a seat over so someone else could sit. But instead she screamed at me. Yeah no I wasn't going to have that. I didn't scream back but I was pissed. So I ignored her for the rest of the day.
Break: had to go to fcs because I'm behind in sewing a apron.
3rd period. Ignored Sydnee and got no work done.
4th period: I don't know. I spaced out.
After class: I was talking to Ophelia and cici in the hall way near the office for 20 or so minutes just because they didn't want to go yet. A few things happened. Blah blah blah and then we walked to the library. Cici was joining us. I had asked him to.
Library: only two days left till holly leaves. I should get everyone to sign cards for her I thought. So I asked for cards and we all signed them. Cici was talking to his ex gf when it was time for dnd and some people
Authors note: sorry gotta finish this tomorrow on Thursday April 7th 2022.

ok back to it.

some people wrote letters for her and then she left. It was dnd day so she took everyone down to the community center to play and when everyone handed in their cards (side note it's now April 12th and I forgot to hand in Lucy's card) I headed down to the community center and gave her the cards along with a pair of earrings I made. She said I was her favorite. And then headed back to the library where cici was asking if the rest of them were coming back. I replied not for a bit and that I didn't plan on staying there long. I was kind of out of it and then I got a text from my aunt saying that we needed to have a talk and if I was free and I said yes. I went outside and called her. She wanted to talk about my father and how she knew about the trip to Hawaii and if I wanted to make a statement I should stay and if I wanted to go that was fine too. (Over the weekend I had gotten asked if I wanted to go to Hawaii with my mom and dad and I said I would think about it. Well when I went to my brothers that weekend I asked fish and then Martinez what I should do and then I asked Meredith and then Marty. Marty said it was up to me. Fish and Martinez said that I shouldn't go but it's up to me. And Meredith said somewhat of the same thing.) I then was interrupted half way through the conversation by cici and Lucy Cunningham coming up to me. I had my AirPods in but when I saw him coming I took them out and put it on speaker. Cici told me to watch some kids food that was inside cause he didn't trust Lucy with it. He also said hi to my aunt. And then he left to go to the dnd area. Lucy then went back inside and I was left alone with my aunt again. I told her I would think about it. But she kept insisting I stay. I kinda snapped even though I already heard her kind of sniffing already and I said "listen I'm kind of tired of hearing it. I just need some time to think" and she started crying and said sorry and hung up. I went back inside and sat down next to Lucy and watched the stuff till cici got back. I'm kind of gonna skip over the rest cause nothing interesting happened but later I got bored and so did cici and so we walked around the library and then we (me, cici, Ophelia and the head librarians daughter) saw a stair case and cici went to go investigate. We saw there was a brick there holding the doors to the gate open and I dared him to go up it. He chickened out so I did. The staircase led up to the roof where I just stood there. Cici couldn't really believe I went up there and ran up there with me while Ophelia and the librarians daughter (Haley) went with her around the library again. By the time they circled the library me and cici were just enjoying the view on the roof. We then went down and went inside where a fight was starting between Lucy and some kids. Lucy went other the table with another kid and started yelling at him. They then took it outside.
Things are a little hazy but at this point we realize cici's bag full of things he sells (like pop and food and his hoodie was in there too along with $10) was missing so me and him were looking for it. And by the time we asked everyone and searched everywhere the fight started. It was all yelling besides the fact things were thrown into the road and stuff and ran over. The librarians came out and told everyone to scram or else she would the the police. They called the police anyways cause this was Lucy's 2nd or 3rd Time doing this. So she had to talk to the cop. By then cici had left and he didn't have his bag. He was really upset. Anyways here's a photo of Lucy with the cop.

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