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   I took out my phone and began searching about the history of that neighborhood to see if there was anything about it that could help me with this. I got nothing. The only I knew was the house next to mine had some bad history. I needed to find someone who lived there for a long time; Mrs. Willow.

   "Guys, let's go see Mrs. Willow. I need some support so you two need to come with me." I grabbed my stuff and ran straight to the next door.

   Mrs. Willow was still sipping a glass of tea in the kitchen. She stared at me, Allen, and Owen. "Oh my, is everything okay?" she asked.

   "Mrs. Willow, I need to know about some history about our old neighborhood." I took a seat next to her. "To be precise, my old home."

   "Sure, what do you want to know, dear?" she gave me a warm smile.

   "Is there anything strange about it before I moved in?"

   "Yes. Your real owner did some kind of strange, mysterious stuff," she paused, "I lived there ever since I was a kid. I know a secret about that house." she said.

   "A secret?" my eyes went wide.

   She took another sip. "That house belonged to Pyke years ago."

   "So, you know him personally?" Owen said.

   "My grandmother did. She told me about him like he's a family," she replied, "one time, he came to our house for my birthday and he gave me a lot of toys I've never known existed. He taught me chess as well. I thought he's a nice guy. After one day I saw a girl crawled out of his house with her hand chopped off and he dragged her back inside,"

   My heart stopped beating for a moment. That's vile. Perhaps that house was the place that started everything. "Do people know about this?"

   "No, they don't and they don't care about it," she shook her head, "he spread rumors about other house next door. He said a lot of stuff but he could never fool me. Faye, be careful." She stood up to wash her cup.

   So, that's why I kept feeling something was wrong with it. Kim was the one who rented that house first, then she wanted me to move in with her. No doubt that place is the place everything started.

   I walked into the living room and dropped myself on the couch. Allen and Owen sat on the couch next to mine. The sky got dark, thunder rumbling from afar, and rain poured down from the outside. I paced back and forth, thinking about my decision. Owen pulled me to sit down.

   "Faye, why don't Allen and I accept the deal but-"

   "No. I won't let you guys do that," I glared at them. "You don't know how smart he is and you two are strong enough. Who knows what kind of things he will do to you?"

   "Okay, you're right. So, what's your plan?"

   I bit my lower lip as I think, "if that house is his, he gains energy from it. So, if something happens to it, something will happen to him," I kept thinking, "I'll burn that house,"

   "I thought you're going to say burn the séance table in the basement," Allen interrupted and I shook my head.

   "But first, I need to make him weak. I know he's stronger because Kim fed him from the inside." I rubbed my chin. "He loves chess, just like me. Maybe he has something he loves so much like his own chess set."

   I went downstairs to ask Mrs. Willow about it. She told me he has his lucky chess set somewhere in the house. I just have to search for it. I knew one thing that was perfect for keeping things where nobody would find them; Kim's closet. I remembered a hidden room behind her closet. I had a feeling that's where he kept it. 

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