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   I locked the door and sat back on the couch, letting out a sigh as I shut my eyes. The sounds of footsteps caused me swivel my head in the direction. Kim with blankets wrapped around her made an appearance, her steps somewhat slower than usual.

   "I heard someone bought the house next door. Who is it?" she asked, while she took her time to sit down. I scooted to give her more space.

   "That's Owen. The Willows came home too. I just talked to them."

   "Should we make something for Owen? Like a housewarming gift or muffin?" she blew her nose and wiggled it.

   "I'll bake him something once I have the mood to do anything."

   She tugged my sleeves. "Faye, I still can't believe Grace's gone forever. We just talked to her yesterday." Tears rolled down her pink cheeks. I didn't know what to say, so I just gave her a hug. It was kind of difficult to wrap my arms around her because of the thick layers of blankets.

   I washed the cups, leaving Kim on the couch for her to sleep. I checked the door one more time before going into my room.

   My eyes met the gift Grace and Larissa gave me the other day. I forgot to wear the bracelet. So, I took it from the box and wrapped it around my arm. I turned my wrist so I could enjoy the beautifully crafted bracelet.

   Two best people I've ever met. I just met Larissa, but I felt like I knew her for a long time. Her personality reminded me of Sean Taylor. Three of them didn't deserve this. My heart sank as my mind remembered their faces.

   I sat down on the floor freezing floor, pulling my knees closer to my chest, and leaned my back against the bed. I laid my forehead on my knees and my eyelids got hot until letting the tears drop one by one. My lips quivered as more tears dropped. My shirt got damp on one spot. I gathered my strength before getting up as I placed my palms on the floor and used my arms to support myself to get up.

   I wobbled before finding my balance, so I had to sit on the bed before I fell. I clenched my hands into fists, nails digging into my palms. My breathing got faster until my throat dried like a dessert. I gritted my teeth, increasing the tension in my jaw. I will find whoever did this and make them pay for it.

   I ran towards my table, pulled the chair, and dropped myself onto it. I took out Allen's number, so I didn't forget about it. I added him as my new contact, then I opened the gallery to check the pictures of the codes on Grace's arm. It's not the same number as Liam's. Grace's started with 6 and ended with 1. Liam's, on the other hand, started with 3 ended with 9.

   I shut my eyes to imagine the last time I saw Grace. Kim and I were at her apartment, then we left at night but wait, most of the people there moved out so it was like Grace was the only person there. One person was there with us, in the lobby; Owen. He was there all alone and I'm sure of it. I recognized the body frame. Owen's body frame was the same as the guy in the lobby. I got to keep my eyes on him, but at that moment; I needed to help Liam first.

   Before I did something else, Kim knocked on my door to tell me Grace's parents called her. They didn't want any funerals because of money problems. Grace hid things from me so well; I didn't know she had money problems. I just nodded without saying anything and got back to work after Kim left me alone.

   In order for me to keep my eyes on Liam, he needs to be in the same room with me. Without wasting any time, I sprinted out of the room, straight to the Willows next door. I did wear a pair of shoes; I snatched them on my way out. I pushed on the doorbell a few times, then stepped further behind.

   Emma answered the door, "Faye? Is there anything we can help?" she opened the door wider until I could see the hallway.

   "Do you want to hang out? Like for the entire day. You, me, Kim, and Liam. Of course, Mrs. Willow is welcome to join us too if she wants to."

   Mrs. Willow came from behind Emma, smiling. "My dear, we'd love to have you two here. Why don't you gather here tonight? I will cook nice things and we all can have a great dinner together. Invited the new neighbour. What's his name?"

   "You mean Owen?" I raised my eyebrows while saying his name.

   "Yes, Owen. I talked to him. He's a gentleman." Mrs. Willow's smile got wider. Sure, a suspicious guy with high charisma, good looks, perfect body, and height. Perfect to lure victims. 

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