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   Grace locked the door, jiggling the doorknob. I swore the entire door just shook like there was an earthquake. My eyes were focusing on different locks on the door. I was a bit worried, though. She ran towards us and sat on the couch; her cracked lips like Sahara desert curved into a smile. Her disheveled hair was tied into a messy bun. Dark circles under her eyes were visible with the help of her pale skin.

   "So, how are you guys doing?" she asked, with a grin plastered on her face. I know that grin; that's her 'if I smile or grin they will think I'm fine' grin.

   "Grace, are you okay? I called you a lot of times, but you didn't answer." Kim ignored her question. She leaned forward to grab wet wipes on the table to wipe her fingers.

   "Yes. We're worried about you. I'm sure you know the news this morning." I sat down on a couch and rest my arms on the armrests. A pain shot up from my bottom, that concrete almost shattered my bones, I see. I really should watch where I'm going next time.

   "Of course. Two of them were my neighbors. Recently, a lot of people from my neighborhood died. I couldn't sleep last night just thinking about that." She buried her face in her hands. Kim rubbed her back as she pulled her into a hug.

   "Do you want us to stay here with you for a whi-"

   "No. Don't. I'm thinking about moving away, so don't worry about me. A lot of people moved yesterday. I'm pretty sure this entire building is empty," she cut my words before I finished talking.

   "Can I tell you something?" I stood up to get their attention. "Just now, a bunch of people stared at me like I'm a criminal,"

   "Oh, they've never seen you here, so they're a bit skeptical about visitors. Don't be offended," Grace's calming voice helped me.

   She rolled her sleeves and my eyes focused on the numbers and lines on her arm. It bothered me so much. I couldn't ask her to show me because she wouldn't let me see it. So, I had to find a way to get her to show me her arm.

   I took out my phone. "Guys, I know we're scared right now, but can I take a photo of you two?"

   "All of a sudden?" Kim asked, narrowing her eyes.

   "Yes. What's the point of being a photography major if I don't practice things I've learned? I just need you guys to sit in the middle of the couch." I raised my phone high so I could get the right angle. They didn't suspect anything. Good.

   I took a few pictures of them together, then I asked them to pose. Luckily, Grace's pose exposed her arm where the numbers were visible. So, I zoomed in until I got the right angle and took a photo of it.

   Aha! Now I got it, it's time for me to do some digging about whatever that was. I excused myself to the toilet so I could check on it.

   As soon as I got in, I locked the door and observed the pictures. All of those random numbers and lines looked like some kind of code. I thrust my phone back into my pocket and stepped back, letting out a sigh.

   At that moment, I realized something inside a trash can; a piece of crumpled paper. I took it and uncrumpled it, revealing notes with another bunch of numbers. Then, I noticed pieces of a crushed phone.

   I ducked down to inspect it. That was Grace's phone; I recognized it. Did she smash her phones into a thousand pieces? Maybe that's why we couldn't reach her this morning. Why did she do all of this? 

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