Bad Feeling To End A Bad Week

Start from the beginning

I finally found my way down the stairs and saw Naruto already at the door waiting for me. I started to walk over to him but he stopped me. 

"Aren't you going to get something to eat?" 
He asked in a blunt voice. 

"I thought I told you to drop it two weeks ago!" 
I said back in my usual cold voice. 

He shrugged and we both walked out the door, him a few steps ahead of me. I noticed that again my mailbox was full with letters from itachi. I swear that man writes me a letter everyday. The other letters Naruto's brother brought in were still in a pile on the counter, I'm just not ready to read them yet.
We walked to the entrance to the school and found Naruto's friends there waiting for us. 

"Aw, hey glad you could make it!! I was starting to get worried you weren't gonna show!" 
Kiba barked as we both approached. 

"Nice look for today, Naruto!" 
Sia commented on Naruto's outfit. 

"Oh uh thanks!" 
Naruto said in return as he awkwardly scratched the back of his head.

I'm not gonna argue Naruto does look nice. What with his burnt red turtleneck and tan trench coat that rested on his shoulders. With matching tan pants and black slip on shoes. A small gold chain also wrapped around his neck and he had a few gold hair pins clipping back his bangs but only on one side. It made him look a lot older and taller. 

"So are you guys ready for tonight!?! It's gonna be a blast! Right, Neji?!" 
Tenten squealed as she hugged her boyfriend's arm tighter. 

"Yes it's going to be ever eventful."
Neji stated, looking down at Tenten. 

Oh yeah! Tonight. *Sigh* Tonight's gonna be a headache. Kiba is inviting almost all the students at the school to come to his house off campus to a party. Something about his parents being gone and him having a ton of alcohol he isn't going to drink. Apparently it wasn't strong alcohol but there was a lot of it. So me, Naruto and the rest of Naruto's friends are all gonna skip school today and go to Kiba's house to set up for the party. I didn't want to come but Naruto dragged me along. 
I noticed Sakura eyeing me up and down as she bit her lip. It made me uncomfortable so I slightly stepped further behind Naruto for protection. Naruto noticed my discomfort, he followed my gaze to Sakura and realized what she was doing. He stepped a little to the right, putting himself between me and Sakura without stopping his conversation with the others. I let out a little sigh of relief I didn't know I was holding in. 

"We should get going." 
Said Shino in his husky voice. 

"Yeah agreed! So who's gonna be riding with who, cuz not all of us have cars and can drive?"  
Kiba asked, scratching his head. 

"Oh oh I'm gonna ride with Sasuke kun!!!!" 
Sakura squealed, throwing her arms around me. I almost fell do to my shaky legs but thankfully Naruto saved me. 

"Oh sorry Sakura Chan! Sasuke already said he'd be riding with me!" 
Naruto said in an innocent voice but it was obvious to tell his smiletowardsher was fake. He walked over and pushed Sakura off of me. I swear for a moment I felt him wrap his arm around my waist. 
Sakura looked at me as if expecting me to protest. 

"Yeah sorry, but I already promised!" 
I replied in a sleepy voice. 

She snorted, not being happy with the answer I gave. She crossed her arms and turned away in defeat. 
I looked up at Naruto and saw that he was already smiling down at me. I mouthed the words 'thank you' to him and he nodded his head in reply. 

After about ten more minutes of talking we finally figured out who was going with who. 
Me, Naruto, and Shino will all ride with Kiba. 
Ino, Sakura, and Tenten will ride with Neji. 
And finally Choji, Shikamaru, and Hinata will ride with Sia. I kinda feel bad for Neji having to ride with all those girls but hey at least it's not me. 

I sat in the back with Naruto while Shino sat in the front with Kiba. Kiba was obviously flirting with Shino the whole way which shockingly didn't make me uncomfortable. Why? My dad told me over and over again how disgusting it was that a man would love another man. He said it so many times I thought I believed it. However when Naruto came out as bisexual so casually at lunch I was shock that he was so comfortable saying it out loud, but I wasn't disgusted. Why wasn't I disgusted? And now Kiba is flirting with another guy and I'm just watching like it's completely normal? Is it normal? I was never raised to think it was? So… why? And all those times that Naruto would hold my hand or put his arm around me, I would feel my heart skip a beat. Why? I was confused and having conflicting thoughts rattled around in my head but I didn't show it on my face. I just leaned my head against the window and watched the other cars and buildings swip past us. 

After about 15 minutes we finally pulled into the driveway of a large house. We got out and walked up to the door but before we could even go inside the other two cars pulled up and the others got out. Sakura of course tried to run up and pounce on me but Naruto stepped in the way preventing her from doing so. Again I was grateful to Naruto for intervening. That crazy banshee won't listen to me. She's determined that I'm just playing hard to get and won't take 'no' for an answer. 

We all went inside to look around. His house was pretty big. I understand now why he invited the whole school but I doubt everyone will come. I don't know I'm not one for party's and have never been to one before in my life so we'll see how this gose. 

We separated into groups and started setting up. We set up food and drinks. We moved around all the furniture in almost every room so the house looked more like a club now. Last we put up a ridiculous amount of lights, disco lights, strobe lights, and spot lights. With everything all put together the alcohol, the lights, and the furniture it really looked like a strip club. We also set up a bunch of games such as pool tables, card games, and more. It was going to be an interesting night however I planned to spend it huddled in a dark corner, simply observing. 

It is now around 4:45 in the evening and the party starts at 5:00 so we're all taking a breath before the party starts. I'm starting to get a weird feeling in my stomach that's telling me something is going to go wrong. Maybe it's my anxiety trying to get the better of me or maybe I should ask someone to drive me home? No, Naruto spent days begging me to come and I promise I would, besides it'll only be for a few hours this one night then I can go home and forget any of this ever happened. Just grit and bare it for a little then it will all be over. 


Why can't I shake this feeling in my gut…

It keeps telling me shits about to go down…

And that I should get away…

Far away…

But why…? 


[Author's note: hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know it was a bit longer than my others but whatever. Well see you next chapter. Enjoy the rest of your day/night and don't stay up till 2 am reading this. Oki bye bye!!!!] 

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