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"Aren't you happy to be wearing m-my jacket?"

"It actually is pretty warm. And that was smooth too."

Tweeks face turned red and he giggled before letting go of my hand and running the rest of the way to starks pond. He kneeled down next to the pond and attempted to dip his hand in, but couldn't. It was frozen.

"Perfect! H-Hope you fit in these." He said running behind a bench and grabbing some ice skates.

Ice skates? I've never ice skated.

I'm gonna bust my ass. How do you even put these on?

"Here watch." Tweek must've read my mind because he started to put them on slowly, while I followed along. Eventually we both had them on and he easily stood up while I had a struggle. He walked back by the pond and stepped onto it. He slowly moved back with almost no effort put in and signaled for me to join. Slowly I made my way over to him.

Why am I doing this?

"Trust me i-it's fun once you get it!" He held out his hand for me and I took it with no hesitation, and in doing so I slid onto the ice with more force then meant.

"Oh shit-"

"Pfft- look see!" I fell on Tweek, but he helped me up and held my hands in his. He slowly started moving back, how? I have no fucking idea. But he did, and along I came with. I started moving with him and moving ny feet on my own.

"There you go! O-Okay. I'm gonna let go now. R-Ready?"

"Uh. Sure?" Tweek laughed and slowly loosened his grip. I stood still at first, a little nervous, but eventually I tried pushing myself forward. I moved a bit, and I smiled.
I moved my arms up, too fast. And fell.
"Fuck. Nevermind."

Tweek laughed and helped me up, again.

He continued to teach me and slowly I got the hang of it. When I could go on my own, he moved away from in-front of me and to the side, but neither of our eyes left each other. We stay that way for god knows how long.

I lose track of time staring into his eyes.

We skated around, holding the each other hands, and staring into the others eye with pure happiness.

It was like that for awhile until he looked up at the sky and then pulled me back to the bench where we first put them on.

"Sorry. I-I wanted to do something while we waited f-for the stars."

"I didn't mind one bit. I miss holding your hand though."

He rolled his eyes and grabbed my hand once again. He pulled me to a spot where there was no trees, and a clearly open spot for us to lay down. He did just that and pulled me down next to him.

"How did you move backwards so easily?"

"W-When my cousin comes over we i-ice skate all the time. She taught me a few tricks."

"You've got plenty of tricks up your sleeve, that's for sure."

He smiled and nodded and leaned over on me.

He looked up at the sky, and I only stared at him for a minute before looking up as well.

It was really beautiful. I love space so much, I remember thinking there would never be anything more perfect then space.

Space was absolutely perfect. The pitch black sky, lighten up by all the stars. The stars shining even brighter with the black sky.

I looked back at Tweek and he wore a smile.

Dark Skies and Bright StarsWhere stories live. Discover now