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"I'll text you my address, be there s-sometime around 7!" Tweek waved goodbye and started walking home. He didn't walk in a straight path at all and it was kinda cute.


"Oh god."

I felt Clyde's arm wrap around my shoulder and his heavy breathing.

"Were you just running?"

"Huh? Oh yea. I wanted to talk to you before you and Tweek did your Friday thing that is apparently more important then all of hanging out together."

"We're- nevermind."

"Anyways!! Where'd you go after lunch??"

"None of your business." He sighed loudly and let go of me and instead stood directly in front of me.

"Fine! But later when I asked Token why he thought it was Tweek that you were daydreaming about, he said that you guys have been really close lately. And so then in 7th period I asked Tweek about it, and he denied it. But I was still thinking like, woah, what if Craig was gay. He would totally crush on me because I'm hot as fuck, that's why Bebe is dating me. But also it wouldn't really matter because haven't we kissed before?"

Clyde does not shut up.

"What the fuck?! First of all, Token is a dumbass. Him and Nicole spend- wait. Nevermind. 2nd of all, Tweek is right, I'm not gay. 3rd of all, if I was I definitely would never like you. I don't understand why Bebe likes your dumbass. 4th of all, when the fuck did we kiss?!"

"In like middle school. Because of a dare remember?? Actually, maybe that was Stan.. it was someone with black hair."

"Oh my god Clyde."

"ANYWAY! If you were gay dude, just know I wouldn't care! You or Tweek. Tweek seems like he would be gay."

I rolled my eyes at Clyde, but for once he was technically right. Me and Tweek are gay. For each other?

Dear god I hope so.

"What would you do if Tweek was gay and he...just so happened to be in love with your best friends?"

"Like you?"

"Uhhhh, sure. Just hypothetically."

"I mean. At least you both aren't sad loner fucks anymore."

"I'm not a sad- whatever." I flipped Clyde off and Bebe came. For once she was a life saver. Her and Clyde started doing their cringy couple shit and I took that as my chance fo escape. I began the walk home and checked my phone.

Tweekers<3 shared their location with you

It's supposed to be hot don't bring a jacket.

What? Hot in South Park? The only time it gets hot is when Tweek is being cute.

Whatever, I'll listen to him.


Because it's fucking Tweek. I wanna win his heart.

I made it home and ran to my room to look at myself in the mirror.

I took off my jacket, and looked at my outfit.

Sweatpants and a red racer shirt.

That's not it.

I instantly started looking through my clothes and pairing some things together to see if they looked good.

Blue jeans with black shirt? Nope.
Grey long sleeve with green pants? No.
Blue shirt and basketball shorts? Nah.

Dark Skies and Bright StarsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant