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Six Years and Three Months After the Wedding

The Same Day As Where the Previous Chapter Left Off

Y/N and Camilo's current ages: 26 years old

I woke up next to Damian, having fallen asleep beside him when he was reading to me from one of his books last night, earlier than I expected to - it was 7:00 a.m. I didn't have to be at work for another two hours. I sighed, thinking about another eight hours serving coffee to rude people downstairs in the hospital lobby. I rolled onto my side beside him, looking at all the machines he was hooked up, all of them making hissing and whirring noises that we were both so used to by now from all the time in this room that whenever I didn't hear them, it felt strange.

It had been four months, four months, since I had seen Camilo, my pregnancy was about to enter the fifth month, and every day, no heart arrived for Damian. I was beginning to get crushing depression every night when I lay down to go to sleep, wishing it was Camilo beside me instead of Damian. As grateful as I was for Damian, something about going through this pregnancy with him instead of Camilo was starting to feel like a massive betrayal, even though none of us asked for this. Every milestone we passed that I celebrated with Damian was a moment Camilo missed, would never get back again. Dr. Patel had asked me at my last ultrasound if I wanted to know the gender and Damian had been surprised when I said no - I didn't have the heart to tell him that it just felt wrong that Damian would know whether we were having a boy or a girl and Camilo did not. I wanted to know so badly - but I told myself that when Damian got the heart and we could go home, I would still return here for my appointments with Dr. Patel and would find out the gender then - with my real husband, the man I should be sharing this with.

Damian stirred beside me, rolling onto his side so he was facing me. His health was still holding strong - except for the whole destroyed heart part. No wounds got infected, no complications from being on the machines for this long. I remembered the doctor saying that being on it longer than six months wouldn't be ideal, and we were just two months away from that. I clamped my eyes shut suddenly at the thought of being here for six whole months - refused to let my mind go there. I opened my eyes again, watching him breathing. He would get a heart. He would get one soon. He had to. We would make it home before the baby came. We had to.

Damian stirred again, smiling in his sleep, which made me smile. I wondered what he was dreaming about. A nurse came in and dropped off his breakfast, leaving it on the table beside his bed with a bang as she quickly left, not closing the door quietly either, causing me to shoot them an irritated look - did they not care about letting him rest?

The loud sound made Damian blink awake, but his eyes were still heavy with sleep. He smiled again, and then suddenly reached out to me, taking the side of my face in his hand, leaning in and kissing me. It took my brain a second to realize what was happening before I yelped, pulling back, catching myself on the bedrail before doing an awkward half roll, half fall off the bed, holding myself up. I stood up quickly as Damian woke up fully, touching his mouth, looking horrified, like he wasn't sure what had just happened.

"Oh, my god!" I cried. "What the hell are you doing?"

"I - I - I'm so sorry!" Damian stuttered out, horrified. "I was asleep, I was ... I was dreaming ... I was dreaming about her, I'm so sorry! I wasn't fully awake, and you were beside me, I just ... I thought you were her ... I can't believe I did that!"

The Heart of Camilo (A Camilo Madrigal x Reader Fem Y/N Story)Where stories live. Discover now