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Five Years and Eleven Months After the Wedding

The Same Day as the Previous Chapter

Camilo and Y/N's ages: 26 years old

"Wait," Camilo said, and I turned back to him. He walked to me and pulled me to kiss him again.

"Camilo, what's up?" I asked, laughing gently as I pulled back.

"I don't know," he said, looking at me with an unclear expression. "Are you sure you can't stay?" he asked, running a hand down the side of my face.

I looked at him sadly, seeing he really did want me to stay, that something was bothering him, weighing whether today's lecture was okay to skip... the debate made me feel guilty, but ultimately, he was probably just missing me, god knows I was missing him, too. But I was in school, he knew that, and I couldn't miss today. I finally sighed and kissed him again. "Not today, but I promise, after this test, you and me, a full day, okay? Maybe we can go on a date in the city if you want?"

"No," he grinned. "You and me, here, in bed, all day."

"'Gee, Damian, could you wait outside while I describe to my wife how badly I want to get with her?'" Damian mimicked what Camilo should have warned him with, laughing.

Camilo blushed, laughing, looking over at him. "Sorry, I forgot you were there."

"Wow, I see how it is," he laughed.

"We're staying late for study group today," I said to Camilo. "But we'll be back by 10:00. Don't even think about going to sleep before I get back. I have plans for you."

"Okay! We're all too comfortable with each other!" Damian laughed, disappearing. We heard the crack of him reappearing just outside the front door.

I pulled Camilo close, kissing him passionately. Camilo wrapped his arms around me, making me ache for him, and I wondered what was bothering him, resolving to ask him tonight when I was home. I pulled back after a minute and looked up at him, smiling warmly. "I love you so much. I'll see you tonight."

"I love you," he said back, looking at me in that way I loved, like he only could see me, like I was the most beautiful person in the world. "I'll see you tonight."

"Tonight," I echoed, kissing him quickly once more, before turning around and heading out the door, turning back to look at him, grinning, as I closed it behind me and disappeared with a crack.


I tapped my pencil on my notebook 30 minutes later, trying with everything I had to pay attention to the lecture - this wasn't the important one, I had three classes today, but I still should be focused on whatever this professor was saying about Freud. But memories from this morning with Camilo kept pushing its way into my mind, making me smile to myself and flush. I couldn't wait for this day to be over and be back in his arms again.

I looked around the class - there were only three other women in the class with me. Women in university were pretty rare in general, but in a Bachelor of Psychology, they were even rarer. We immediately had become friends, realizing that we had to stick together to survive. Damian hadn't chosen psychology like I had - he had chosen a Bachelor of Arts with a focus on Spanish literature.

It had been a frustrating road to getting into university for us. Women had only recently even been allowed to go to higher education in the city where we were studying, barely a decade, and I found out quickly it was still rare for them to actually attend. Most went to shorter college programs to become a secretary or a nurse. When we had initially begun doing research for schools, we realized that our schooling in Colombia, in a rural village, would not be recognized by any Western university. Damian and I had had to take high school equivalency classes for a few months before even being able to apply and be accepted. 

The Heart of Camilo (A Camilo Madrigal x Reader Fem Y/N Story)Where stories live. Discover now