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Y/N and Mirabel showed up to class over an hour late, claiming that Mirabel had been sick in the bathroom. The teacher, of course, believed her because Mirabel, the perfect student, would never lie, but I knew something was up when they disappeared after I went with my other friends. I kept trying to catch Y/N's eye, but she avoided looking at me. I frowned, reluctantly turning back to face forward.

Sebastian, who sat next to me, leaned over and punched me in the arm. "Worried about your girlfriend?" he asked, mocking me in a high-pitched tone.

I raised one eyebrow at him. "Yeah, I was." 

"Oh," he said. We stared at each other for a second, and then he turned back to face the front.

I sighed and looked forward again, leaning on my elbow with my chin in my palm. What had they been doing? I had wanted to talk to Y/N about what happened last night. I still couldn't shake the unease of having Bruno in my room, talking to him after so long. I had shifted my room back to the usual river scene, but I hadn't slept the rest of the night, familiar nightmares from when I was a little kid haunting me once again. I was relieved they were back, at least. I would tell her after school. 

As everyone filed out of the classroom, I caught up with Y/N and grabbed her hand, pulling her against the wall, out of the mass of students heading for the doors.

"What happened to you guys today?" I asked.

"Oh... we were practicing," she replied. "You know ... trying to control things better."

"What?" I said. "You did that alone? Isn't that dangerous? Why didn't you wait until I could have come?"

"Camilo, I wanted to practice just once without you, I was too scared to hurt you, especially when I was trying to trigger it on purpose," she explained, looking apologetic.

"You wouldn't hurt me!" I insisted, adjusting myself after getting bumped from behind from the crowd. "Please, wait for me to go with you next time."

"I don't think we need to," she grinned. "I did it! I controlled it!"

"You did?" I asked incredulously. "That's amazing! Like, you could stop and start it like I can?"

"Yes!" she was practically bouncing up and down from excitement. "Mirabel, too! I'm so relieved."

"But ... didn't those people who did the spell with you say that only anger will trigger it? How do you think you guys controlled it so fast when they couldn't figure it out?" I asked.

"I don't know, maybe they were wrong," she said, shrugging, not seeming concerned about it at all, which I thought was strange. How could she be sure it was all fine now when she was so worried before? I opened my mouth to ask, but suddenly, of its own volition, my bag jumped up off where it rested at my hip, turned upside down and spilled all my books out.

"What the hell?" I looked around. The crowd had thinned and Mirabel came up behind me, cackling. 

"Seriously?" I asked, bending over to gather my books back up and stuffing them back in my bag. "You're using your gift at school? What the hell did you guys do today that suddenly makes you both so confident about all this?"

Mirabel and Y/N shared a knowing glance. That was getting so irritating. I frowned, hating feeling like I was missing something. "We practiced!" Mirabel said. "I think those people were wrong - or maybe they just struggle with it or something, but we got it pretty quickly. It's all fine now."

"Okay..." It was hard to remain skeptical when they were both so excited and happy. "Well, that's great, I guess. Can I see you use yours?" I asked Y/N. 

The Heart of Camilo (A Camilo Madrigal x Reader Fem Y/N Story)Where stories live. Discover now