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"Goldie hurry your ass up, we're already running late. Brady's waiting"

I yelled through the apartment from my spot on the couch as I finished tying up the laces of my converse. The living room was probably the cleanest it'd been in a while since we were having everyone over after the gig. Goldie had done most of the work while I was at the cafe and it was practically sparkling. There was a faint scent of lavender in the air from the air freshener in the corner of the room.

Goldie came into the room, hopping, as she was zipping up her black boot onto her foot. "Yeah yeah yeah miss bossy I'm ready. It takes some time to look this good". She came to the middle of the living room and spun in a circle striking a pose to show off her outfit. She was wearing her favorite one-shoulder black dress. It was dusted with small silver glitter that made the fabric look like a perfect starry night. She had on an oversized green and black jacket that added a small pop of color to the otherwise all black look.

"God, you always look so cool. I can't compete with you"

She let out a cackle at my compliment and offered me her hands pulling me up off of the couch. Standing next to each other we looked like complete opposites. She took in my light pink skirt and cream lace cropped tank top. "Mags you're gonna freeze your ass off in that. Go grab a sweatshirt or something Jesus". I rolled my eyes at her as I walked to my room, flinging my closet door open and grabbing my oversized zip-up sweatshirt that was a staple in my spring wardrobe. Throwing my arms through the sleeves I walked back to the living room mimicking her small twirl from before, "This better mom?". She shook her head slightly, coming up and grabbing my hand, dragging me to the door, "Adorable, now let's hit the road. You drive".

We ran out the front steps and hopped into my little pale blue mini cooper, Lola. I had snagged Lola off of a used car lot for the deal of the century. They were asking way too much for how old the car was, but it was in great condition so with a little call to my dad to figure out the best way to negotiate with them, I got to take Lola home that very day.

Niall's band was playing that night at The Shack, a beach bar where you could find UCSD students packed in like sardines every Friday and Saturday night. Ever since that first party the band played at, they had become surprisingly popular. In just a few months they went from playing frat parties to opening for school sponsored concerts and now they're making their way through different bars around La Jolla. In November after getting a little too high on the beach after rehearsal they landed on the name "Just Left of the Lifeguard Chair". I knew Niall was super excited to be considered a "cool guy" around campus now.

They weren't playing until around ten that night but we were heading over early to have dinner and stake out a high top for us three groupies to enjoy the show. I loved Niall, but I refused to stand on a slippery beer covered floor for more than an hour, although he promised me there would be at least one song I would have no choice but to get up and dance to.

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