The Sun

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The colors are always what catch everyone's eyes first. They're bright and vibrant but they find a way to blend together so seamlessly. You can't always tell where one ends and the next one begins. The reds, pinks, oranges, dark blues, and purples swirl above in the early hours of the morning. It's captivating. Before you know it it's over and the sun is high in the sky beating down on you, or it's hidden behind clouds peeking out every once in a while as a sort of check-in. I wasn't always a morning person but I found that if you roll out of bed for enough sunrises soon it won't seem so hard to wake up at 4 am.

The peace of sitting back and watching the mix of colors high up in the sky makes time stop and before you know it you feel like you can take on the world. It slows down your soul and makes you focus on the little things, the feeling of your jacket hitting the small of your back as the light morning wind ebbs and flows around you. The utter quiet that consumes you even in the busiest of cities. You feel like you are the only person awake. It's just you and the sun and nobody else.

And then slowly the rest of the world comes alive. The bustling of the city starts up and you become very aware that you aren't alone. The brightness will stay with you for a couple of hours and then life starts to take over.

The thing that people don't appreciate enough about the sunrise isn't the colors or the quiet, it's the consistency. No matter what happens throughout the day you know the sun is going to come back the next morning. It won't be the same colors and it won't always be the brightest most beautiful spectacle but it will be back in less than 24 hours. It's a reset, a unique start to every single day, and it happens to every single person in every single city all around the world. The pretty colors are just a little bonus. 


the sea and the sun, couldn't have a picked a better combo ourselves!

oh wait we did pick it 

sea you guys sooner than later

<3 carmel 

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