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I felt like I drank four cups of espresso. Why were my nerves so out of control that day? Despite it being a full week since the mystery surfer ordered a smoothie from me, every time the bells rang above the door my heart skipped a beat and every head of brown curls that moved through the cafe made my pulse quicken. He was just a guy, sure he was hot, but I saw him one time and I'll never see him again. 

So why was he consuming my every waking thought?

Sabrina bumped into me while breezing past on her way to the fruits, knocking me out of my accent and dimple filled daydream. She threw the berry mix into a blender and looked over, scanning my face as her own twisted into a look of motherly concern that I had grown to know in the last couple of weeks.

"What's his name?"

Immediately I felt all the blood in my body rush up to my cheeks. I was pretty sure my face was the same shade of red as my hair right now. I really needed to get a grip. I quickly busied myself by walking over to the sink set on a mission of doing some dishes.

"I have no idea what you're talking about Sabrina"

I heard her let out a little laugh before the sound of the blender drowned out all of the noise around us. When it finally quieted and she started pouring the dark purple drink into two cups she glanced towards me again, "I don't think I've ever seen you blush that hard, you're giving those strawberries a run for their money. Plus I've noticed the way you've been jumping a little every time those bells ring. What's going on hun?"

She made her way over to the sink with the dirty blender in her hand, staring me down trying to get me to talk. Right as I opened my mouth to inevitably word vomit everything that happened with the surfer boy from last week the bells jingled above the door. I immediately turned and Sabrina's eyes followed me. I'm sure if she listened close enough she could hear my heart trying to beat out of my chest.

I let out a breath of relief as I saw my favorite messy brown hair and clear blue eyes, rather than the deep green I had been imagining over the last seven days.

"SWAGGY MAGGIE HOW'S IT HANGING?" his voice rang throughout the entire cafe.

The customers sitting at the table closest to the door angled their heads towards the brunette standing with a backpack slung over one shoulder and yellow sunglasses resting on the bridge of his nose. He was wearing one of the most obnoxious Hawaiian printed shirts I had ever seen.

I heard Sabrina laugh next to me and I turned towards her trying to push down my smile, "No Sabrina! Do not encourage him, he'll never knock it off if you keep laughing. You're feeding into it". She looked between me and the loud boy standing in the middle of the cafe rolling her eyes as she laughed again, "Not my fault he's hilarious". Glancing over her shoulder before walking to the other counter she waved, "Hi Niall! Good to see you".

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