34 - Seeking an S.O.S - @Glory_feeling2 - Space Exploration

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Seeking an S.O.S

By Glory_feeling2

Two scientists gazed upon the midnight sky with their hands behind their back, pondering on what happened to those who were sent to the new planet. It had been months since they heard any feedback from the space agency and were worried if SPANA now wanted to take the credit for the major breakthrough all for themselves, rather than share it with them.

Three months ago, their colleague, Dr. Silas Cider, discovered a new celestial object hidden in view among the stars. He had never seen a more optical view of the heavenly body through the many telescopes he had employed and was baffled on why this fleck of an atom has never been discovered till now.

He was so thrilled with this discovery, that Dr. Cider discussed his new findings with his two colleagues, Dr. Margaret Jones, and Dr. Nelson Fields. Both were also in awe after they saw the speck of light through the telescope.

They named the planet Decaorb for it was the 10th planet in the galaxy following the orbit. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and now the new planet, Decaorb would follow.

And they hoped it was inhabitable, so humans would be able to build another space station there to learn more about space. These lessons would make it possible to send humans farther into the universe than ever before. And to dream, the impossible was what flared in their eyes. To be noted in history books as the first scientists to discover Decaorb would thrill them. But they knew there would be risks involved.

Of what one might ask? Aliens ... ones that might bite. They needed to find a group of people stupid enough to take the bait. It wouldn't be an easy task as they knew that they just couldn't go up to the space agency and ask them to send some astronauts to find out if Decaorb was suitable for residential use. But it was worth the try to see if the space lab had a better idea.

The trio's greed for fame would come in time after they decided that (SPANA) the Space Aeronautics Agency would help them make their dreams come true.

The trio's greed for fame would come in time after they decided that (SPANA) the Space Aeronautics Agency would help them make their dreams come true

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The Inmates

The team leader was Martina "Marti" Wade, a dark-haired punk who was motivated to do the right thing, despite her gothic looks. She idled rock stars who jammed away in concerts and it was a known habit of hers that she'd be lip singing with them amongst the crowds. Marti had a skull within a heart tattoo on her arm. It was noticeable when she pulled off her leather jacket and was sure to show it off as she might be viewed as 'bad to the bone'. But the heart was a symbol that she still cared for others.

Marti had a girlfriend named Harley Lewis, who she met in one of those concerts she hung out. Harley was quite the opposite of everything Marti was. With long wavy hair and a baby round face like a young child. With fine features on her skin with a slender nose, you'd wonder how she was attracted to Marti. But it happened as the saying goes, "Opposites do Attract".

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