Kirito vs Tanjiro: Fight

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Floating above the lush earth lays the mythical castle Aincrad. From an outsider's perspective, one would find it a peaceful asylum from earthly troubles, a place of wonder. However, it was nothing more than a prison for the poor souls inside, a hellish test made by Akihiko Kayaba for an unknown purpose. A challenge more pressing than any other as over ten thousand souls do everything in their power to survive.

That goes no different than our current "player" Kazuto Kiritgiya, better known as Kirito to many. In a couple of days, he got set to fight in what may be his last battle with the Knights of the Blood Oath. While he knew the battle would cause casualties, that didn't stop him from trying to avoid him. The infamous Beater has been using every piece of data, rumors, and knowledge he could find for an edge. Which eventually led him to a somewhat familiar sight.

He almost thought he would never have to hear the Gleam Eyes again, but players have been reporting that a mysterious new boss had taken its place. This one is arguably far more formidable than the original, but with EXP and potential loot too great to pass up. He was already one of the strongest players in SAO, so if he could only grasp it, maybe he could protect his "family" a little longer.

After a long trek, the Black Swordsman finally arrived at the boss room, still as fearsome as before. Before entering, Kirito had a brief moment of hesitation, briefly regretting having Asuna, not by his side. Yet that very same reason is why he decided to keep going with his sword Elucidator.

"She's doing her part in organizing the raid. I need to do mine."

With that, the young boy steeled himself as he entered the room. Instantly his surroundings changed, the light blue flames of the room dancing around his Blackwyrm coat. The various pillars gave the space a new ominous aura, making him feel boxed in. Which only made Kirito more confused, at the "opponent" that was waiting for him. The rumors talked as if he was facing a monster twice the size of the Gleam Eyes. However, what was before him was a boy not much older than him. Decorated in a green checkered jacket and a black sword. Kirito felt a sense of unknown familiarity with the boy.

"Why do I feel like I've seen him before," Kirito quietly thought.

More curious than distressed, Kirito tried to reach toward him. However, before their hands met, the "boss" sprung to life, instantly backing away in clear distress.

"Who are you? Where am I? What were you doing?" he said, panicky.

Confusion overtook the two boys, gauging whether or not the other was a threat. While Kirito wondered at the familiar and almost human boss: Tanjiro Kamado, the other was seeing a very different site. Whether it had been through a dreaded blood demon art or Kayaba's programming, Tanjiro didn't see a player but a demon who stood amongst a crowd of corpses.

"Did you do this?"

Dozens of questions flooded Kirito's mind, so close to an answer but still failing. So instead, he started to ready his Elucidator sword. He may be "docile," but he was still a boss who could lead towards his death or forever trap him here.

"I don't know what you are talking about, but my name is Kirito. You're in a boss room, and I'm your opponent," he said.

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