Part 1: hiding

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This is an age regression fanfic- nothing sexual.

If that's not your thing...please don't read.

But if you're here for gay cuddly stuff. Well- you got this now- hopefully it's ok 😅




Vincent didn't want to hide from his boyfriends...

He just had to. What would they think of him if they saw him sucking on a pacifier, watching cartoons, covered in blankets and stuffed animals?

Okay, they already think of him a spoiled brat, and they do call him a big baby all the time, and they're also all very accepting of Adrian's weird habits and fantasies; so, why wouldn't they accept this too?

Because he's a freak- that's why.

What if they think it's weird? Or- misunderstand and start thinking it's something sexual when it's clearly not? What if he becomes too much trouble for them and they all leave him?

Panic rushes through Vincent, and so he puts the paci back in his mouth and grabs his fidget spinner off the floor, spinning it in attempt to calm himself down.

It distracts him enough to feel younger again.

He's safe. He's ok.

He's alone...

And sad...

But he's ok.

After a while Vincent falls asleep in the pile of blankets (and his boyfriend's hoodies he stole >:) )

He didn't realize just how long he was asleep for until he heard: "we're back! And we brought pizzaa!!"

Vincent jumped up! Luckily they weren't in his room yet.

He suddenly heard the doorknob attempt to turn- and when that failed, he heard a very soft knock. "Vincent? Are you ok?" "Since when do we lock doors here?"he mumbled.

Vincent blushed. "Yeah, Felix! I-I'm fine- j-just give me a sec alright? I just fell asleep but I'll be right out."

"Mmm, okay." Felix left, without another word.

Vincent got dressed back in his normal clothes and joined them all for dinner.

Thank god Felix is so chill. That could've been a disaster.

"You ok, Vinnie?" Adrian asked.

"Yeah, just tired..." Vincent said, blushing.

"Hmm," Felix looked at Vincent dead in the eye with his 'you're up to something and I know it' look.

Vin starts to panic for a second- was he going to be interrogated?!

"This calls for a pizza and movie night!" Kevin says.

"Yes!" Adrian shouts. "And it's my turn to pick the movie! Heheh!"

Saved by the boyfriends.

"A-and I demand cuddles!" Vincent shouts.

Felix finally smiles and helps gather some blankets while the other two get the food and movie ready.


"You forgot the pineapple!"

"Pineapple doesn't belong on pizza, Vincent!" Kevin argues.

"You put everything else on pizza! But you draw the line at pineapple?!" Vin shouts.

"You don't put fruit on a pizza!" Kevin proclaimed, "it's just a fact!"

"What about tomatoes?" Felix asks.

"Or cucumbers?" Adrian asks.

"Ew- what?!" Felix asks.

"Fine! I'll get some myself!" Vincent whined, getting up and grabbing a can of pineapple tidbits to add on his pizza.

As Vin sat down next to his boyfriends, Kevin snuggled up to him and gives him a kiss. "I love you."

"Me-ah. What-ever." Vin blushed. He can never truly get used to the feeling of being kissed by one of his bf's. He loves them so gosh damn much.

~~~One movie later~~~

As Vincent surrounded himself with the boys he loves- he does start to wonder to himself what it would be like if they did know.

What would happen if they were to find out about his regression?

Would they really still think of him the same way?

Felix took another piece of pizza and looked at Vincent with concern. "Are you ok?"

Vincent shrugged. "Yeah, I'm fine. Why?"

Felix shrugged too. "I dunno. You just seemed kinda lost in thought throughout the movie."

Snoring can be heard from Kevin and Adrian who were cuddling right between the goth and prep.

Vincent looks away from him. It's nice to know that he cares. But Vin can't make himself say anything. "I'm sorry, I'm fine. I promise nothing is wrong."

Felix leans over the others and kisses Vincent tenderly. "Alright, but we're here, you know. You can talk to us if something is wrong."

Vincent smiles. "I know."

He can... right?



Comments are accepted and encouraged.
Even constructive criticism- just don't me mean, okay? Im fragile. Lol

Also if you have any ideas for this, let me know. :3
I will also take one-shot requests for any of these beans being regressors. (Except maybe Kevin- no offense, I just couldn't see him being a regressor)

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