Colliding Hearts Forever:

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Chapter 3: Desperate Desire

I go to the mountain I have tried to climb a couple months ago, just sitting on the top. "I finally got to the top. You can't kill me, not ever." I whispered under my breath. I pulled out my stories that I have been assigned to write. I finally got the promotion I dreamed of having. I just wish I could have celebrated with Sarah, but we are all pissed at her. She was left on vacation, she got a job and lives in an apartment. If only she had never lied to me, then we would never be here, never had gotten here. 

      I write and write, until my mind is blank with no more thoughts. I looked at the waves splashing below me. Feeling pathetic that I couldn't swim this deep out.

Suddenly, I got this sensation, to jump, but swim right back to the sand, the shore that I couldn't that day, because I was so weak. But I can't, Jer would be so pissed if I did. it was 4 O'clock, of course i was not ready to be done with my writing and head home, but i wanted to finish it all. But sadly I don't have that kind of speed to get it done. I don't even have the proper brain cells.  

        I walk into my bedroom sitting my stuff down on the desk, heading to the shower, I know this is a lot. Not being able to see my best friend anymore because she has been lying, but I don't need a type of friend that blames other people for their problems, lying to everyone. Do I even know who she is as a person, or was that her just masquerading herself from everyone. "Where have you been, my darling fiancè?" Jer asks, laying me down, to give me a massage, "I was up by the mountain," I answered shyly, "please tell me you didn't do anything stupid,"- "no I didn't don't worry. I was just sitting at the top, finishing up my assignments. Um, when do you plan on going shopping for your suit?" I asked looking back at him, "I know we have 5 more months, but I need a date, so we can shop on the same day!" Smiling at him, I couldn't tell if he liked the idea or not, but either way, it's happening. "Probably in 2 months, and that would be perfect. Who do you plan on shopping with," he gave me a side eye, and I turned to face him, turning around, sitting in front of him. "Probably my mother. I want her there, it's better than having Sarah there for sure." I grumbled her name out of pittness. Even speaking her name makes me want to vomit. "Your dress is going to be lovely, Bailey," he proposed with an enlightened smile. "I'm very stressed out. I lost my best friend, and I'm pretty sure I never knew a thing about her also. Especially with work, this isn't the best combination." I complained to him. "You got this, how about calling your mother, maybe that will switch your brain around," he suggested. "Um, sure, I suppose that isn't the worst thing I can do." 

           I slumped into the couch, fighting if I should actually call her. It's been a minute, last time I ever spoke with her was about how I was going to be living in my penthouse for good and never coming home. We had a pretty bad argument. My mother wasn't very settled by her daughter moving pretty far from her, in a penthouse with a group of friends. I dialed her number on my phone, being very hesitant about pressing the call, but my fingers slipped, and pressed it anyways. 

Mother- hello dear? You callin me now? What do you want, money? Food? Oh, did you get kicked out?

Me- No! None of that mother. I wanted to see if maybe you could, well, um, I don't have anyone to go dress shopping with, I'm going dress shopping for the wedding in 2 months, and wanted to see if you would be free then? The wedding date is in 5 months from now. 

Mother- don't you have Sarah, oh Sarah is a doll. Why can't she tag along and help?

Me- I'm currently not friends with her, if you tag along I will tell you the full story.

Mother- Oh so now you're bargaining me, trying to get me to go. I see how you grow in that household, it  doesn't have a good effect on you. I think it's time to come home now Bailey. Enough with these games.

Endless Love That Last/ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now