Colliding hearts forever:

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Chapter 1: Heart To Heart

Jeremiah finally comes rushing through the bedroom door. I ignore his apologies. He said some hurtful things. And it takes more than repeatingly sorries to have me forgiving him. I can't just forgive him for him breaking up with me because im suicidal. I cover myself deeper into the fluff blankets. "Bailey-" he says sitting next to me. Not too close, but giving me distances and private space. I continue to ignore him. "Bailey i know you're up, please talk to me, I didn't mean what i had said earlier. I was disappointed but that didn't give me a reason to say all those things. I know you listen to me, I know it. I'm really happy that you're okay, and I promise I won't ever get that way again." He says, I can hear the hurt, and I felt horrible that I have been ignoring him. I shouldn't be this full of pity. "I'm not mad, just upset that you said you would break up with me because of how suicidal i am, even tho i didn't race to kill myself, i just lost the strength, and couldn't hold myself up anymore." I say, with snot running down my cheeks, I break into tears, crying over how we are no longer together. He ran to me, sitting me up so we could hold each other. I sob louder now, just feeling him again overwhelms me. "Bailey we are still together, i say things when i get overheated that i don't mean to say. Unless you want to break up." He is sounding concerned about what I might say next. But of course I don't want to. I'm so in love with him. And he should know that. "No, not at all, I was afraid that you wanted that. What you have said earlier made it sound like you wanted to." I say holding him tightly, he strokes the back of my head and I calm down a bit. My eyes are so itchy it feels like they are about to fall off.
"Bailey, I would never want that to happen in fact," he goes off the bed, grabbing something small from the walk in closet, as he comes back he holds my left hand, "these few months i have known you, and lived with you in this penthouse has drawn me closer into wanting you in my life even when we are ghosts, i want you there forever. You have put me in a better position in my life than I ever thought I would be. I couldn't imagine not growing old with you. I never want to break up, in fact." He gets down on one knee, and I slap my face out of surprise for what might happen next. Covering my mouth. "Will you Bailey Marie Cullin, be my fiancé soon to be wife," pulling out this big shiny ring, in fact the ring I have been dying to get. How did he know I wanted that ring? "Y-yes," I got down on one knee also, holding out my left hand. "Thank gosh, it was so scary that you might have said no." He says as the anxiety releases from him.
"Why in god heavens would I say no?" I asked, "well I overthink too you know," he answered, throwing himself on me laying us down. Putting the ring on my finger. He slowly places his hand on the side of my face. I blush at the slightest touch, sending chills down my spine. My soul quickly rushes out of me. Out of this dreadful moment I could no longer linger. "Bailey, if anything, would it be alright, if we made love? Not just any love but passionate love, long lasting, and very powerful?" He whispers seductively in my ear. His grasp of breath leaves a sensation ring in my ear. Taking me more on the deep end. "Here you go out in the living room. So can I get ready?" I flopped lazily off the bed onto my sore hurtful feet. "Of course, but you really don't need to..." he cuts me off, "yes i do!" He says with excitement.
I wait approximately 1-2 hours. As I walked into our home, I could see redish rose puddles leading up into the bedroom. I could just smell the sweetness, it smelled so wonderful. As I'm walking in, the lights are turned off, with red LED lights having that romantic tension. As I now know what's about to happen, my heart starts pounding faster and my breath starts to deepen and gets heavier, heavier than it has ever been. The puddles are spreaded on the white mattress, and candles all over the room. The set up is just exquisite, it is so perfect, and brings me the most amazing feeling ever. I can already tell that tonight is so special!
He walks from the dark corner of the room, laying his hand perfectly across my check bone, leaning in for a kiss, I can feel my cheeks getting redder and hotter. Pushing me lightly onto the wall behind me, pinning me there. He's wearing nothing but white and black, my favorite color on him, and just in general. Looking so perfectly handsome. He starts kissing me more passionately, more seductive, giving my lower lip slightly a suck, while slowly kissing me. Making me feel so turned on by him, sending me love feelings down my spine that I have never felt, the night has been so incredibly phenomenal so far.
He lifts my shirt up, kissing me still, as I do the same for him, taking each other's clothes off, moving slowly, there's no need to rush. Knowing that we are going to take our time, we are both going to enjoy this night the most. Allowing us to not miss a thing. I wouldn't want this with anyone but him. He picks me up, wrapping my legs around his torso, my skin against his, nothing but us two in this special moment, me being able to let loose the noises only he has the power of making me have. I kiss him, not just any kiss, it's the perfect kiss for this moment. I suck his lips lighting, with each puck, slighting sucking his tongue, I bring it into one single kiss, repeatedly doing that, as Jereamiah walks backwards onto the bed.
I feel my guilty pleasure for him kicking in as he pushes me against our mattress, Jer starts leading kisses down on my neck, and following after that he leaves a small hickey on my neck nothing noticeable, continuing down to my chest, as he kisses my breasts, nothing he has ever done, he starts to suck on them, giving me this powerful feeling I never had, bringing me spikes and chivers, the good kind I would hope. Slowingly kissing me once more down the middle of my stomach. I slightly chiver, giving me tingling feelings all over. I've never been kissed there.
He fits his soft sweetest mouth on my clit, licking it everywhere before sucking, he slips his tongue, licking my g-spot and sliding it in again, i whimper, and breathe In deeply, he's making me feel so good, he sucks and moves his tongue around at a fast and best pase, making me weak on his mouth, i mess with his hair. Squeezing my thighs lightly against his face out of pleasure. I moan out, letting it all loose, moaning the moans I've been keeping inside, no more hiding. It's just us two, there's no reason for it. As I cum in his mouth, he brushes his lips against me back to my lips, hardly being able to even kiss him back. The pleasure I felt was so unreal. So ballistic, so crazingly enduring. I wanted more, more powerful feelings, till the point I'm screaming and moaning out of control.
I didn't want anything more, but to feel his warm cock inside me, I wanted all of him, every way humanly possible. I want him to make me so weak, and rail me till I can't even get up. He moves his dick along the outside of my clit, pinning my hands above my head, leaning over me. Out of nowhere, he shoves it in, softly. Taking it slow at first, letting my insides agust to his size. I moan aloud, it hurts a bit but it still feels so fucking good. As I'm slowly loosening up, my moans fill the humid air, him stroking more deeper, as I keep getting louder, I want every inch of him. He grunts under his breath, as his strokes become more stronger. He wraps his hand around my wrist, moving it slowly to the palm of my hand, with each kiss, gripping between my fingers, all his veins starts popping out, and his back becomes more buff, and sternly, as he grinds the fuck out of me.
Not going to lie, his veins popping out because he's gripping my hand out of pleasure kind of turns me on. I become this little fragile girl, all weak under him, but only weak for him, feeling him throb in me, making me not be able to take him much longer, and all of this. Is nothing but the only thing I want. I want him, I need him, and I need him more. "Gosh you're so wet," he whispers in my ear, his heavy breath touching my neck. He whimpers, slamming his whole size into me. After a couple thrusts, our bodies start to sweat, and now we are panting out of breath, our bodies rubbing up against each other, and our sounds flowing through and out each ear. Feeling his weight against mine, naked under him, a complete mess. All with just one simple stroke, one simple finger, and one simple touch, and he has me, all the ways I want him to. I've been dreading this moment and now that it's happening I can't even think it's real. It feels as though this is all just a simple dream, but here he is. Making all my fantasies come true, in ways I thought it could never happen. And him being the one and only to do so. Just the simple touch of our bare skin, touching and rubbing each other, made me have this best and intentional feeling in the insides, making my body burn up, like I'm in a heater.
As we get more intimate, I suddenly get this dominant feeling rushing over me. I wrap my legs around his torso bringing him further as he can inside me, and moving my waist up against him, going and repeatedly going at this fast pace, turning my legs and pushing him the other way, forcing myself onto him. Pinning him down, i slide it in once again, "my turn" i say, kissing his soft, kissable lips, they tastes like vanilla and strawberries mixed, and they get addicting to kiss, i suck on his lower lip, as he pokes out his tongue, i suck on it too, still pinning him there on the bed, as my sweaty weakened body, lays perfectly on top of him, i sit up, rubbing his perfect stomach. He guides my hips to the pace that we were once at, I use his shoulders for support, as I grind, and move my hips, locking a good grip on his dick, bouncing and swaying on him. Moving in ways I never thought I could. He brings my body closer to him, wrapping his hands around my back, sitting us up, and making out with me, while I'm fucking him. I dig deep into his back, out of pleasure pushing him further in me and closer.
I feel my soul and body lift from me, I feel sparks exploding in my heart. This warming moment with him was a little too powerful. My mind makes me think of my body moving from where we are. But this, this more than perfect.

Endless Love That Last/ Book 2Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ