Chapter 11 Recovery Squad

Start from the beginning

Delta: Hello, how may I be of assistance to you?

One: Long time no see, Delta.

Delta: Agents Zero, One and Washington. It has been awhile.

Wash: What exactly happened here, Delta?

Delta: York and myself were approached by Agent Texas as asked for his assistance in locating Wyoming and her old A.I. Omega.

Wash: Wyoming?

One: I actually heard some rumors about that. Apparently Wyoming became a bounty hunter after he left.

Zero: After that?

Delta: York assisted Agent Texas in breaking into Wyoming's hideout, but are unable to eliminate Wyoming himself. When Texas's gun jammed , York willingly covered for her, but was shot by Agent Wyoming, mortally wounding him.

Wash: Where are they now?

Delta: I am not sure. I do not now what happened upon York's suit shutting down.

Zero: That so...

One: Should we go looking for them? They couldn't have gone far.

Wash: I doubt they'll be anywhere near here. But radio Command.

One: Right...

One stepped back and radioed command.

One: Come in, Command. This is Recovery One. we've located the Delta A.I. He appears in tact, but Agent York is KIA...

Command: This is Command, we need a full inventory of the carrier's equipment before it's decommissioned.

The three of them looked confused.

One: Why do you need that?

Command: Recovery One, please respond to the directive. Perform a complete inventory.

The three of them looked at each other before One responded.

One: Roger Command. Recovery One out...

Wash: Delta, instruction: run a full system diagnostic, with detail on armor components, analyze inventory.

Delta: Executing, result: all components present. Armor at 70% peak capacity.

Wash: Not bad for an old locksmith. Hey, need you to start a countdown for us One hundred on the clock.

Delta: Initiating. One hundred. Ninety-nine. Ninety-eight. May I make an inquiry?

Wash: Go ahead.

Delta: Why was I not destroyed?

Wash: What?

Delta: When an assignee is killed in action, protocol dictates that all intelligence programs be destroyed.

Zero: Yeah that's what they told us at first too. But you were encrypted until you could be recovered. we're here to recover you. Apparently it's cheaper to store you then destroy you.

Delta: Recovery carries risk. Destruction ensures that an A.I. will not fall in to enemy hands.

Zero: Are you really complaining?

Delta: Not at all! Just noting a discrepancy.

Zero: Alright, Delta, store yourself in a portable component, okay? We're moving you.

Delta: You could insert me in to one of own A.I. slots. I do not show them as occupied.

Wash: I don't think so.

Red Vs Blue Zero to One ( OC/Male reader x RvB)Where stories live. Discover now