Chapter 12:Boring Days

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Well, we are back at the European High, but the sad is Canada and Spain are in the United High. So only we can hang out at weekend. And the weekends are onky 2 days! WHY THE WEEKENDS SHALL BE SO SHORT?! Anyways, back at the European, France is now depressed of she has no friends, Mr.Romans arm is broken about the building the school. Later the Geoprathy teacher maked with the class an "Welcome back, here test!". What an bitch. But at the cafeteria the Axis Powers maked an food fight with the Triple Entene or idk wich one friend group. It was fun to watch! The younges United Kingdom bringed to the school an big ass boat and singed the Wellerman. Well he has an beautiful voice. Well, the next was in the singing or anything was 3rd Reich. He was singing the Erika. It was not beautiful, but funny. Later at 10.AM was P.E, and we all played an football, like boys vs girls. And which team won? OFC THE GIRLS! How shall be the girls so agressive? HOW IN THE MOTHERS COOKIES?! Oh, cookie! At the buildins they added an school food shop, and i has come money to buy cookie. I guess it was blueberry taste. Later the school ended we looked up at the United High. And we saw Spain and Canada are now writing the test. Poor boys. After 45 minutes they finally came out from the classroom. Spain said "it was hard". Canada said "it was easy peasy!". Spain just looked at Canada, how in the heck was for him easy. But it was 3.PM. Everybody has to go home make the homework, and learn for tommorow, and blah blah blah. And we all have been tired of this fricking Wendesday. So we can finally sleep an super good.

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