Chapter 5: Burned Down

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*Austria hungary prestective*
Well... These long week was weird. And German empire and me are an couple. Well to say this, i like him truly. But this week or day will be very different. So as everybody knows, new week new shit. Me, Bulgaria, Ottoman and German empire has been go to the school. First class has been art with Miss.Egypt(United Kingdom). But later something was different. Napoleonic France and Kingdom of Portugal has maked an little bit fire at the Psychic classroom. They tried to calm the fire down, it didn't worked. Portugal and France has been runned out the school, 5 seconds later all of the school.
*German empire Perspective*
After we leaved the school, Me Bulgaria and Ottoman was here. But someone has been missed, Austria-Hungary- I panicked if he got burned. So i runned back to the burning school, Bulgaria has been tried to not go back.
None answers, only the burning fire. But luckly i found an stairs what hasn't had been attacked the fire. Maybe Austria hungary is upstairs. I checked every classroom, only Mr.Belgiums classroom. I heard inside an quetly sound, it said "help me please". When everybody is outside, that human shall be Austria-Hungary!
-G-german em-pire *cough*
-Holy moly...
I kicked out the door and I saw the classroom 50% was fire. As fast i can, I grabbed A.H.
-German empire?
-Yes It's me Austria.
-What happened?
-School fi *cough* re.
-Wha-*big cough*
As fast i bringed out Austria Hungary, and i gived to the nurse check him if he's fine.
-Ok, German Empire you found him inside the school?
-Yes miss.
-I know, right?
-Anyways, so you want to check Austria Hungary is he fine?
-Yes please! I want to know he's okay!
-Oh! Seems like he's your best friend, am i right?
-Actually my boyfriend
-Ooh, well okay. I got it.
A few hours later, the fire has been ended, but the school was horrible, everything was black. And the Principal has called the hospital to take Austria Hungary. The next day, there was no school because it now nothing. Me Ottoman and Bulgaria has been bringed some flowers to A.H. But the doctor has been stopped us to not enter to his room. We have been waited 2 HOURS, but finally we came inside.
-Good morning Austria!
-Oh, hey guys.
-Are you okay dude?
-Yeah, i think... The doctor said some smoke has been in my lungs. I think that's not really good.
-Sooo, luckly i got some cookies for you A.H.
-Aww thanks German Empire
We talked a many things with him. But sadly he has to stay a week here- poor us, without Austria Hungary. But we have to tell his family, what happened with his son.
*knock knock*
-COMING! Oh, good morning! Where's Austria?
-Well... Miss Hungary.. Your son is in the hospital-
-What is it B#$*¡?
-Your son is in the hospital!
-Wait, kids, is this true?
-Yes Mr. Austria
His parents has been entered to the car, and go to check Austria Hungary in the hospital. But we have been waited a long time without the blind friend. But his parents said he will stay plus 1 week at the hospital. FUCK! But we are waiting that time when he come back to us.

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