Chapter 11: Worst News

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*Austria hungary's prestective*
Well, these days in the United is boring. The classes, the teachers, and the full classmates. But 1 month later the United high Principal said some days we can go back the the European Catolic School. Hurray, i guess.... But if i know Spain and Canada are in the High. FUCK! We have to chill this week with the new friends, before we go back at the European! Hang out, watch an movie or an sleepover, OR ANYTHING! Better luck with the hanging out, because after school we can go everywhere. Like: some parks, pizzeria, playground or in the arcade. We choosed the arcade to play some video games. Ottoman has been goed to the "Smack the Evil Teacher!" because he hates the school. Canada, Portugal and Spain played TETRIS. Me Bulgaria and German Empire played some car racing games. After played the games everybody was hungry, so the next place is the pizzeria. We choosed the Big Pepperoni Pizza. Well Portugal has to go home help her mother, and later Spain and Canada has to go home for learn for an Math test, and Ottoman forgotted he has to go babysitting an 3 years old kid. Sucks for him, but free money. And just I and German empire stayed here. Only me and the high german. I hugged him again, and now he hugged back. My big teddy. And i was exited to we can hang out sometime with the Central Powers!

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