Chapter 4: First Date

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*German empire Perspective*
Well these first 2 weeks was good. But I guess i little bit love Austria-Hungary. Maybe I shall tell him how do i feel? Or maybe wait more time? I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!
-Germany, what are you doing
-Nothing father(Prussia his Father)
-Okay, but this week will be a long pause of school.
-Really? So of this week no school?
-Yes my dear son.
Well finally no school of this week. That means I can take for a date Austria! HECK YEAH! A few minutes later at the Group has been maked an idea
Messenger group has been maked
Blind boi(A.H): Hi guys! Any ideas at this week?
KebabFan(Ottoman) : Nop. Bulgaria?
KindFlower(Bulgaria) :Same. Germany?
GeniusBoi(German empire) : Maybe again an sleepover.
Blind boi: Good! Who are in?
KebabFan and KindFlower: We are in!
GeniusBoi:Uhhh...m-me too
Blind boi: Great! At monday 3.PM at my house. St.Hunnic street 13.
I was happy to go Austria's house. Later i packed my backpack with again pysamas, gummy bears, and the T or D cards, and some plus to Austria-Hungary his favorite cookies. Later I arrived to A.H's house only i was here, me and Austria and his mother.
-Ok boys! Have a good night, i got to the workplace.
-Ok mom! Bye!
-Bye boys!
A few minutes later Bulgaria and Ottoman arrived. Bulgaria has planned we can start again with
T or D. We all agreed to play it.
First round Bulgaria asked Austria Hungary a truth, what his favorite food, everybody knows it, cookies. Next round Ottoman asked Bulgaria a dare, it was to Bulgaria have to kiss him. Well Bulgaria was red as hell. At the third round I was now.
-Ok. Austria hungary, T or D?
-Hmmm, Dare!
-Uhh.. Ok! I dare you at the next day you have to come with me a date.
-holy... German Empire you sure about it?
-Ok jeez.
Austria Hungary was blushed hardly, he almost passed out. Later we watched a romantic movie, and Ottoman and Bulgaria has started sleeping at the movie. Some minutes after the movie ends, Austria-Hungary has been sleeped on my shoulders. It was cute how did he sleeped on my shoulder. The next day we eated Egg and Ham for breakfast, Austria's mother is an angel. Some hours later I go to home to wear an shirt plus an bowtie. We meeted at the Lovely park. Some seconds later Austria has been came to the park. Damn, he was beautiful.
-Ok, your dare is now starting German Empire.
-Uh.. OH! The dare. Heh.. I almost forgot.
-Congrats you dummy. Anyways, let's go inside.
-O-ok swe-I MEAN Austria!
-Uhm.. Ok?
After we found an perfect place to sit down, Austria-Hungary layed on shoulders.
-Anyways, German Empire why did you said this dare to me?
-Uhm, well A.H-
-German,you can tell me. Do you like anyone of the class?
-Absulaty, yes.. I like someone.
-Really? And who is it?
-It's sits next to me.
-Wait... Me?
-Yes you dummy, you! I always liked you!
-Whoa.. Uhh. I-i
He stopped thinking, or maybe he was confused what did I said to him. Some minutes later he blushed a little bit, PLUS somehow Ottoman and Bulgaria has been spying on us from a bush.
-Ok.. Whoa! Bulgaria! You have to see this!
-What is it dude... Holy... AUSTRIA LIKES GERMAN EMPIRE!
-How cute they are. Like us!
-Maybe you're right.
Some minutes later I gived to A.H the cookies. Well he was happy to get those cookies,and he almost eated all of it, but he gived some for me. Before we had to go home, I finally kissed Austria Hungary. It was a beautiful time, with the beautiful boy. Next day Ottoman and Bulgaria has commed to us exited we are an couple. We both has confused and blushed. We both said an "I guess so". And finally with Austria we are more than friends.

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